Anonima Porticese, the faceless writer imposes herself on the web

Anonima Porticese, the faceless writer imposes herself on the web
Anonima Porticese, the faceless writer imposes herself on the web

PORTICOS. She doesn’t have a name, we only know that she is a woman, and that she lives in Portici, a city at the foot of Vesuvius.

It all started in April this year, when a post was published by an anonymous user on the Facebook groups dedicated to the city, where people contact each other to give or receive information, or even just to share moments or local events. He says he is from Portico and that he has written a book, specifically a mystery, set in his city, and that he intends to share it with his fellow citizens.

Indeed, to be precise, he writes one or two chapters a day, because apparently he writes it at the same time as publishing it on the groups. This is why he cannot satisfy the many readers who ask for something more.

Time passes, his followers increase, some don’t start the day without a daily reading pill. The book, from the title The sound of the waters features Elena, a woman who owns a clothing store, a complicated life, and a past to forget. One night, a woman is killed, who was her customer on the very day of her death. The body is found in the sea of ​​Granatello. Feeling somehow connected to the woman, she begins to investigate.

Returning to the writer, although she is keen not to appear, we managed to contact her through the Facebook group she created, which in a couple of days of life reached a hundred members.

We asked her a few questions:

Anonima Porticese, as everyone now calls her, how did the idea of ​​writing a novel come about through Facebook groups?

«Hello everyone, and thank you for your attention. I have always written, I love to transpose everything that my mind, always at work, elaborates. I was happy to combine the love for writing with that for my city. I wrote the first post for fun, a dive into the dark, and from there this beautiful adventure began».

But why did she decide to remain anonymous?

«In an era like this where everything is based only on appearance, I tried to convey a different message. Appreciate the content, in this case what I write, without thinking about who wrote it».

Is “The Sound of Water” your first work?

«No, I’ve written others, but this is the work I care about most».

How come?

«Because I shared it with my fellow citizens, among other things at the same time as its conception. My subsequent development of the plot was conditioned, in a good way, by their comments».

It is commendable that there is completely free sharing

«I believe that having readers to discuss and talk to is a thousand times more important than earning money.».

“The Sound of Water” is not the only work you are writing, you are making another one, right?

«Yes, her name is Elena, the detective from Portici. A novel divided into three parts, but with the same protagonist».

Will there be others?

«Yes, a new adventure begins on Monday».

Can you anticipate anything?

«This is not the case, just know that it will always be set in Portici».

Now you have a group dedicated to your books, can you tell us the name, how can readers find it?

«Sure, it’s called “We from Portici who… Read”. You can download my complete books and read the ones in progress. You can also compare books, in a general way.».

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