from wells to tankers, this is what it foresees

The national department of Civil Protection has approved the 20 million euro intervention plan to combat the water emergency in Sicily. The program prepared by the control room, led by the governor himself and coordinated by the head of the regional civil protection Salvo Cocina, provides for the refunctionalization of wells and springs, the purchase and installation of tankers, the repair of some interconnection networks.

What does the plan against drought in Sicily provide?

The approved plan includes 138 interventions to promote the water supply of the territories: construction of new wells, revamping and restoration of existing wells, construction of bypasses and connecting pipelines, strengthening of lifting and pumping systems, created by the area companies and by some municipalities. Furthermore, just over two million euros, co-financed by the State (37.5%) and the Region (62.5%), were allocated to the purchase of eight new tankers and the repair of another 78 from Municipalities and Cities metropolitan.

Schifani: “We’ll be working on starting the works starting tomorrow”

“As early as tomorrow, the President of the Region Renato Schifani declares – the offices will take action to urge the network managers and the Municipalities to prepare the projects and start the works, which in some cases have already started. At the same time, we are starting to work on a second plan of interventions which will be financed with another twenty million euros, as guaranteed by Minister Musumeci on the occasion of the green light from the Council of Ministers to the state of national emergency”.

Schifani adds: “However, the Region has also done and will do its part. We have already allocated twenty million euros for the purchase of fodder for animals and for drinking water, and we will allocate the same amount for upcoming financial measures that the government will implement in the next few days.” This same strategy of interventions against drought also includes the 90 million euros foreseen in the agreement on the FSC 2021-27 recently signed with Prime Minister Meloni, for the reactivation of the three desalination plants in Trapani, Gela and Porto Empedocle.

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