European elections 2024, how to vote in Lombardy: lists, candidates and symbols

European elections 2024, how to vote in Lombardy: lists, candidates and symbols
European elections 2024, how to vote in Lombardy: lists, candidates and symbols

European elections 2024, polling stations open throughout Italy on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June. How to vote in Lombardy: lists, candidates and preferences.

European elections 2024, voting is taking place throughout Italy to choose the political representatives in the European Parliament in the portion dedicated to the Peninsula. Polls open on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June throughout Italy: to vote you must have a valid identity document accompanied by your electoral card.

European elections, when and how to vote (

Anyone who has lost it or needs to renew it can do so through the Municipality offices, even on election day. In addition to the European question, in 961 Municipalities of Lombardy there are also administrative elections. A double round that further animates this call to the polls: the forecasts, therefore, favor a greater turnout compared to the recent past.

European elections 2024, how to vote

Beyond the numbers, on which there will be time to reflect also thanks to the exit pools, it is good to know some particularities regarding the Lombard vote which retains a particular value.

European elections 2024 between rights and inclusion (

Not only with respect to the numbers of those eligible, but also due to the lists and candidates available. In terms of preferences, in fact, it is possible to express up to three names. Provided that, in the choice, a variety of genres is included. Out of three names expressed, therefore, at least one woman or one man must be considered.

There cannot, therefore, be three women or three men. Another thing that cannot be done compared to the past is split voting: in other words, one cannot vote for a party and express a preference different from the candidates proposed by this or that political force. If you want to avoid cancellation, you must always vote consistently with the chosen symbol. The candidates and proposals are numerous: specifically, each party presents a large number of representatives.

The candidates in Lombardy

We begin with Fratelli d’Italia which presents: Giorgia Meloni, Carlo Fidanza, Vincenzo Amich, Patrizia Baffi, Stefano Balleari, Federica Barbero. Then we have: Marco Colombo, Giovanni Crosetto, Pietro Fiocchi, Eleonora Frigerio, Franco Giancarlo, Giovanna Giolitti, Paolo Inselvini, Lara Magoni, Mario Mantovani, Elena Nai, Federica Picchi, Vincenzo Stofo, Antonella Tosi and Mariateresa Vivaldini. While in the Democratic Party, led by Elly Schlein, the preferences are: Cecilia Strada, Brando Benifei, Irene Tinagli, Alessandro Zan, Antonella Parigi, Giorgio Gori Eleonora Evi, Pierfrancesco Maran.

Greater inclusion at the polls (

Then we have: Patrizia Toia, Davide Mattiello, Elena Accossato, Emanuele Fiano, Monica Romano, Fulvio Centoz, Lucia Artusi, Fabio Pizzul, Donatella Alfonso, Luca Jahier, Paola Giudiceandrea and Fabio Bottero. Followed by Matteo Salvini’s League with Silvia Sardone, Alessandro Panza, Francesco Bruzzone, Isabella Tovaglieri, Gianna Gancia, Angelo Ciocca, Oscar Lancini, Simona Bordonali, Alessia Borroni, Eraldo Botta, Marco Cozzi, Alessandro Fermi and Dino Ganelli.

Names and sides

Then we have: Elena Lucchini, Giovanni Malanchini, Cristina Patelli, Lorenza Rosso, Astrid Sento, Silvana Snider and Roberto Vannacci. Immediately after there is Forza Italia-Noi Moderati with Antonio Tajani representative who presents: Letizia Moratti, Paolo Damilano, Massimiliano Salini, Stefania Zambelli, Andrea Costa, Roberto Cota, Laura D’Incalci, Firial Cherima Fteita, Gustavo Gili, Luigi Grillo, Clara Marta, Laura Menardi, Dina Nobili, Matteo Passoni, Silvia Piani, Claudia Porchietto, Marco Reguzzoni, Beatrice Rizzi, Giuseppe Romeo.

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