names and stories

Milan – With a solemn celebration in a Cathedral packed with faithfulthis morning Archbishop Mario Delpini he conferred presbyteral ordination by laying on of hands on 17 new priests of the Diocese of Milan.

Below is the name, age and origin of the 17 new Ambrosian priests: Michele Ascari37 years old, from the pastoral community of San Paolo in Giussano (MB); Gioele Asquini34 years old from the parish of San Paolo di Legnano (MI); Davide Beretta28 years old, from the pastoral community Madonna del Carmine of Carnate (MB); Paolo Bottelli31 years old, from the pastoral community Beato Samuele Marzorati of Varese; Matteo Foppoli29 years old, from the parish of Santa Francesca Romana in Milan; Marco Garrini26 years old, from the Ognissanti parish of Milan; Andrea Giuliani29 years old, from the parish of Santa Maria Assunta in Inzago (MI); Edoardo Mauri26 years old, from the parish of San Pio X in Desio (MB); Manuel Mazzucco28 years old, from the parish of San Gottardo al Corso in Milan; Stefano Pedroli30 years old, from the pastoral community of Sant’Antonio Abate di Varese; Patrick Pescialli, 26 years old, from the parish of San Pietro in San Pietro all’Olmo in Cornaredo (MI); Ludovico Pileci24 years old, from the parish of San Martino di Ispra (VA); Alessandro Tacchi, 26 years old, from the Sant’Ambrogio parish of Vanzaghello (MI); Piercarlo Tettamanti25 years old, from the parish of Saints Ilario and Remigio of Beregazzo con Figliaro (CO); Erick Torres Torres32 years old, from the Diocese of Juigalpa (Nicaragua); Federico Valvassori30 years old, from the Santo Stefano parish of Santo Stefano Ticino (MI); Matteo Viscomi27 years old, from the parish of Santa Maria Assunta in Senago (MI).

Milan, the new priests in the Duomo with Archbishop Mario Delpini

Also with them to receive the sacrament were two Capuchin Friars Minor, a religious belonging to the Congregation of the Schools of Charity – Cavanis Institute and a new Italian priest from the Peruvian Diocese of Huari, missionary of Operation Mato Grosso. Among the concelebrants were also the Superior of the Capuchin Friars Minor, Angelo Borghino, and that of the Italian delegation of the Cavanis Institute, Edmilson Mendes.

Who are the new 17 priests of the Ambrosian Diocese: the stories

Referring to the readings of Massand recalling the episode of the call of the young prophet Samuel by God during the night, inhomily from the Archbishop he underlined that “the night of the long sleep is visited by the Lord who calls. Our brothers who are ordained priests in this celebration are those of the night of Samuel, when the night that extinguishes the day was transformed into waiting for the day of the mission “.

Connecting to the evangelical page referring to Jesus’ last speech to his disciples, Msgr. Delpini then reflected on the ‘night of surrender’, the one in which “the surrender of Jesus in the signs of bread and wine convinces that life deserves to be lived because it deserves to be given”. The Archbishop then concluded the homily as follows: “Precisely on that night Jesus indicated the way to enter into the mystery of everything he heard from his Father and called them friends. Thus the night of misunderstandings became the night of confidences. The brothers who are ordained priests today are men who offer themselves to the Church so that the fruit may multiply and the fruit may remain”.

After the celebration, it took place outside the Cathedral the long-awaited and traditional celebration with family, friends, seminary companions and faithful from the parishes in which the new priests have carried out their service in recent years. On June 20, in the weekday chapel of the Cathedral, at 11.45 am, the Archbishop will inform the new priests of the parishes in which they will carry out their ministry.

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