European League Football, third day. The Seamen chasing their first Cup win

European League Football, third day. The Seamen chasing their first Cup win
European League Football, third day. The Seamen chasing their first Cup win

After 2 consecutive defeats at home, it is already time for the Seamen Milano to draw their first conclusions of the season. The sailors, in fact, have dismissed the offensive coordinator Malik Hoskins: 7 points scored in just 2 ELF matches are too few for a team aiming for the Play-Offs at the end of the season. In place of the American, the Milanese have hired Tony Addona, already Head Coach in 2017 when he led the Seamen to the conquest of the Italian Bowl. In this delicate week, president Paolo Mutti’s boys will try today (from 7pm), again at the Vigorelli Velodromo, to reverse the course against the Helvetic Mercenaries for the third day of the European League of Football. The Swiss are coming off a knockout against Barcelona (23-19). “We are sure that with the new leadership of Tony Addona the attack will be much more incisive – underlines the president Paolo Mutti -. We know Coach Addona well: he has a lot of ability to form a group, he manages to be tough, but also malleable. He knows the American football in Europe and Italy. We know his working method and we are sure he will do very well.” After the defeat against the Tirol Raiders, the American qb Zach Bronkhorst had highlighted some of the advanced department: “We understand his needs and we are sure that against the Helvetic Mercenaries, he and the whole team will be able to best express all their potential”.

For the playoffs of the Italian Division I championship, however, the Legnano Frogs will play on Saturday afternoon (kick-off at 5.30pm) in Parma against the Panthers, while the Varese Skorpions will be on the field for the semi-finals on 15-16 June. The Frogs Legnano, in the regular season, have already beaten the Emilians away 55 to 50. “We are sure of our potential, but we must not underestimate them – concludes Ettore Guarneri, owner of the Legnano team -. They will certainly have taken countermeasures compared to the last time, but we will be ready.”

Lorenzo Pardini

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