Bari to the vote, the office of over 800 candidates for the Council

Bari to the vote, the office of over 800 candidates for the Council
Bari to the vote, the office of over 800 candidates for the Council

There are five candidates in the municipal elections in Bari. The center-right coalition supports the candidacy of Fabio Romito, who is 36 years old. Romito began his political career in Forza Italia and then moved to the League, the party with which he became regional councilor in Puglia in 2020, a role he currently holds. The unitary candidate of the centre-right, Fabio Romito, is supported by ten lists: Romito Sindaco, Bari for Fabio Romito, Forza Italia, Fratelli d’Italia, Liberali e Riformisti-Nuovo Psi, Noi moderates and Riprendiamoci il futuro, Udc-Prima l’ Italy, Agora, Mario Conca, pensioners and young disabled people together.

The Democratic Party, together with Europa Verde, supports the candidacy of Vito Leccese, 52 years old, former deputy of the Greens from 1992 to 1994. There are seven lists linked to the candidate Vito Leccese (also supported by Pd, Verdi and Action): Pd, Green Europe, Leccese Mayor, Progetto Bari, Decaro for Bari, With Leccese Mayor and Noi Popolari. There is also an eighth list, #Decaro for the mayor, presented only for the municipalities.

Michele Laforgia, 62 years old, also in the centre-left coalition. There are six lists linked to the candidate Laforgia (also supported by the Convention and M5s): Bari Bene Comune, Laforgia Sindaco, Italian Communist Party, Generazione Urbana, Movimento 5 Stelle and Bari Città d’Europa.

Outside the ranks there are two candidates: Nicola Sciacovelli, supported by Italexit and by the “Sciacovelli mayor-We like it!” list, and Sabino Mangano, supported by the civic list “Oltre-Associate civic movements-Mangano mayor”.

Here all candidates.

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