“We are the government of yes, of orderly accounts and of Peugia-Future”

“We are the government of yes, of orderly accounts and of Peugia-Future”
“We are the government of yes, of orderly accounts and of Peugia-Future”

Interview with Margherita Scoccia, candidate of the most civic centre-right in view of the vote on 8-9 June 2024.

A difficult electoral campaign, taken street after street, association after association, but this was a given. But what did the experience leave you with, however it will go? “It was a long and at times tiring electoral campaign, we toured Perugia far and wide and were lucky enough to meet wonderful people who enriched us above all on a human level. I don’t know how many thousands of hands we shook, how many tens of thousands of Perugians we looked straight in the eye, promising a strong commitment always aimed at the good of the city and not political interests”.

VIDEO Closing of Margherita Scoccia’s election campaign at Barton Park

The people of Perugia therefore ask for a city government that knows how to listen to the territories, those who do business and those who are in difficulty. Are you ready for this challenge from below? “The role of mayor, as I conceive it, is to represent the whole city, to unite the whole city, to take charge of the problems and expectations of the whole city, never of just one part. This has been the case in these years with the mayor Andrea Romizi and so it will be with me, if the citizens were to give me the honor of covering this role”.

It seems clear, from the tones of the electoral campaign, that in addition to being a choice between Margherita and Vittoria, between two decidedly firm programs, a vote that smacks of a referendum also emerges: completing the Romizi-Scoccia revolution which from the center to the periphery boasts projects worth 500 million of euros, or change direction after 10 of the centre-right in the hope of finding new projects, new enthusiasm. What do you think?
«I am convinced that the people of Perugia who will go to vote to choose the future of Perugia know very well that they find themselves at a crossroads: continuing to trust a more civic-minded centre-right administration that has governed in this last period, reviving Perugia and gaining a series of resources never seen since the post-war period today thanks to serious and painstaking work. Resources that must be protected so as not to be lost. Without forgetting that after two mandates, without increasing taxes, we have healed the budget from the enormous ‘hole’ left by the centre-left administrations. But at the same time the people of Perugia, on the other hand, will be able to choose a new alternative course which however represents an unknown on the contents and implementation of certain ideas. We heard a lot of them during the election campaign. The referendum, if we want to call it that, is between those who want to take the turn and move forward to conclude Perugia as the city of the future and between those who want to go backwards”.

You, and the lists in your support, have criticized certain positions of Ferdinandi and the rival coalition considered a little too generic or even postponed judgments and positions, see the Nodino of Perugia. Do you confirm it?
“Let me say that we are the coalition of yes to infrastructures and projects that remove Perugia from isolation, that allow new development and therefore jobs in the city. A coalition that has clear ideas, funded projects and that has the courage to take on On the other hand, I reiterate that there is no clarity on the major works financed: there is a ‘very broad field’ that risks paralyzing the city behind the continuous “No” regardless of the consequences for the citizens that the people of Perugia will make the best choice for themselves and for the city. I am here, I am ready and if I have the honor of being mayor of this Perugia I reiterate that I will be the mayor of everyone and everyone will be listened to.”

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