Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024, call for 8 technical instructors: how to participate

Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024, call for 8 technical instructors: how to participate
Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024, call for 8 technical instructors: how to participate

Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024: a call for a unified procedure for the coverage of 8 permanent positions of Technical Instructor, Instructor Area. The places are divided as follows:

  • 3 positions to be assigned in the Business and Territorial Services Area of ​​the Municipality of Forlì,
  • 2 positions at the Municipality of Cesenatico of the Rubicone Mare Union,
  • 1 place at the Municipality of Cesena,
  • 1 place at the Municipality of Gatteo of the Rubicone Mare Union,
  • 1 place at the Municipality of Modigliana of the Romagna Forlivese Union.

To participate, a surveyor’s diploma or equivalent qualifications is required. In the next paragraphs we will see all the requirements, how to apply and how to prepare for the competition.

Get ready with the dedicated volume!

Instructor and Executive Instructor Competition – Technical Area Cat. C and D in local authorities

A clear, comprehensive and updated guide for participants in the competitions announced by local authorities for the role of Instructor and Management Instructor in the Technical Area (cat. C and D). The volume summarizes, in fact, all the topics covered by the tests foreseen by the competition notices for the professional profiles of surveyor, engineer and architect employed by Municipalities and other local authorities. This eighth edition takes into account the latest regulatory interventions relevant to the sector. Index of topics: Regulation of local authorities: › Title V › Evolution and legal nature › Provinces › Metropolitan city › Municipalities › Council › Provisions › Regulatory and administrative functions › Accounting and budget › Controls › PNRR Employment relationship employed by the local public administration: › Organization of offices and personnel › Code of conduct › Responsibility › Anti-corruption legislation Administrative law and Privacy: › Administrative procedure › Right of access › Self-defense and pathology of the act › Privacy Urban planning legislation: › Italian urban planning legislation › Urban planning › Protection of the environment › Limitations and constraints › Implementation plans › New tools › PPA Building regulations : › Building typologies › Interventions and titles › Procedures and enabling documents › Protection of the landscape › Sanctions › Technical regulations Expropriation for public utility The updating of Public Contracts: › New Code › Digitization and access to documents › Programming and design › Start of procedure › Award › Public-private partnership › ExecutionHealth and safety in the workplace: › Legislative Decree. 81/2008 › Institutional system › Protection measures › Risk assessment › Prevention and protection service › Emergency management › Workers’ representatives › Workplaces › Equipment › Protective devices › Temporary and mobile construction sites › Protection from physical agents Stefano Bertuzzi Lawyer, specialized in administrative law, author and editor of legal texts.

Stefano Bertuzzi, Cristina Brugoni, Gianluca Cottarelli, Celine Cusumano, Marco Ventura | Maggioli Editore 2023

Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024, 8 technical instructors: requirements

As anticipated, to participate in the Municipality of Forlì 2024 competition, possession of one of the following is required qualifications:

  • high school diploma issued by a Technical Institute in the technological sector – construction, environment and territory; electronics and electrical engineering; agriculture, agri-food and agro-industry; mechanics, mechatronics and energy; or high school diploma as a surveyor or building expert, agricultural expert, agrotechnical expert, industrial expert or other high school diploma equivalent by law; the candidate must expressly indicate the rule that establishes equivalence; or
  • degree considered an absorbent qualification.

The other requirements necessary for participation are the following:

  • category B driving licence;
  • age not less than 18 years and not exceeding that required by current regulations for retirement;
  • Italian citizenship, or citizenship of states belonging to the European Union, or citizenship of third countries and one of the conditions referred to in the art. 38 of Legislative Decree 165/2001;
  • enjoyment of civil and political rights, even in the states of belonging or origin, according to current legal provisions;
  • registration on the electoral lists of the municipality of residence, or the reasons for non-registration or cancellation from the electoral lists themselves;
  • not having had criminal convictions that prevent, pursuant to the provisions in force on the matter, the establishment of an employment relationship with a Public Administration;
  • not have been dismissed or exempted from employment in a public administration due to persistent insufficient performance, pursuant to sector regulations, or dismissed for the same reasons or for disciplinary reasons pursuant to current legal or contractual regulations, or declared dismissed for having obtained the appointment or hiring through the production of false documents or documents tainted by irremediable nullity;
  • not be in any of the conditions established by law as impediments to the establishment of the employment relationship;
  • be in compliance with the mandatory military service (for male candidates);
  • physical suitability for the tasks to be performed.

Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024, 8 technical instructors: application

The application for participation must be sent exclusively electronically through the InPA Portal, by accessing this address via SPID, CIE, CNS or eIDAS, and selecting the “Send your application” button at the bottom of the page.

To participate, payment of a fee is required competition fee of 10 euros to be carried out following the instructions that will be given during the submission of the application. It will be possible to send the application for participation until 2.00 pm on July 7, 2024.

Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024, 8 technical instructors: tests

The selection of the Municipality of Forlì 2024 competition will be divided into the following phases:

  • Possible pre-selection test;
  • Written test;
  • Oral exam.

There pre-selective test may be carried out in the event that a large number of applications are received by the organisation. This will consist of a multiple choice test on the exam subjects. The score obtained in the pre-selective test contributes to the formation of the final score.

There written test may consist in the drafting of a paper and/or in the solution of a series of open-ended and/or multiple choice questions, or in the examination and resolution of one or more practical cases, in order to ascertain the professional skills, knowledge technical and transversal skills and the aptitudes required and described in the notice. The test is considered passed with a score of at least 21/30.

There oral exam will consist of an interdisciplinary interview on the exam subjects. During the oral test, knowledge of the English language and the use of the most common IT equipment and applications will also be assessed. The oral test will also be considered passed with a score of no less than 21/30.

Municipality of Forlì Competition 2024, 8 technical instructors: how to prepare

The tests of the Municipality of Forlì 2024 competition will focus on assessing the following knowledge and skills:

Specialist technical knowledge Construction and management of roads, road intersections, cycle and pedestrian paths, design and management of public and private green areas
Highway code and enforcement and implementation regulations
Urban planning and construction, construction and seismic
Design and execution of public works, including the discipline relating to health and hygiene requirements, the elimination of architectural barriers, energy performance, acoustic insulation; safety and accident prevention in the workplace (Legislative Decree 81/2008)
Constraints and protections of cultural and landscape assets, as well as notions on the maintenance of municipal real estate assets
Notions of appraisal, work accounting
Transversal Technical Knowledge Notions of organization of Local Authorities (Legislative Decree 267/2000) and of work employed by public administrations
Elements of administrative law, with particular reference to the administrative procedure, the right of access to administrative documents, anti-corruption and transparency regulations
Notions regarding public procurement of works, supplies, services and concessions
English language
Knowledge of the most popular IT equipment and applications (Windows, Word, Excel, Internet)
Behavioral Skills Problem Solving: ability to develop concrete and relevant personal solutions, weighing the developments and evaluating their consequences, as well as understanding the problem, with practical intelligence, formulating different response strategies depending on the context and/or the interlocutors and proposing solutions capable of favor the best result.
Result orientation: ability to constantly direct one’s own and other people’s activities to achieve the expected objectives, overseeing the management of time and available resources and identifying the most effective operating methods.
Attention to order, quality and accuracy: ability to carry out daily management of one’s work with high precision, i.e. the ability to provide correct and quality work even in the face of a dynamic organizational context
Teamwork: it is the desire to work in collaboration with others, to be part of a group; ability to enter into a mutual relationship to solve a problem or complete a project/objective

The volume

Instructor and Executive Instructor Competition – Technical Area Cat. C and D in local authorities

represents a clear, comprehensive and updated guide for participants in the competitions announced by local authorities to cover the role of Instructor and Management Instructor in the Technical Area. The volume summarizes, in fact, all the topics covered by the tests foreseen in the competition notices for the professional profiles of surveyor, engineer and architect employed in municipalities and other local authorities. The text is updated to the latest regulatory interventions relevant to the sector and is also available on Amazon.

To stay updated on all the news regarding public competitions, sign up for free to the Whatsapp channel and to our competitions newsletter by filling out the form below:

Cover photo: iStock/Fani Kurti

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