“Mediterranean Coastal Monitoring problems and measurement techniques”, 10th edition in Livorno

“Mediterranean Coastal Monitoring problems and measurement techniques”, 10th edition in Livorno
“Mediterranean Coastal Monitoring problems and measurement techniques”, 10th edition in Livorno

Livorno – Il International Symposium “Mediterranean Coastal Monitoring, problems and measurement techniques” having reached its tenth edition this year, it meets again in Livorno at the Museum of Natural History of the Mediterranean days 11, 12 and 13 June.

Organized by the Institute for Bioeconomy of the National Research Council (CNR-IBE) in collaboration with the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF).

This tenth edition represents an important milestone for this event which over the years has seen an ever-increasing interest and participation of scholars from across the Mediterranean basin, confirming itself as an opportunity for comparison, discussion and constructive exchange on new perspectives and challenges on the subject monitoring and conservation of Mediterranean coastal ecosystems and to evaluate strategies and actions for the safeguard and protection of the marine and coastal environment.

The themes, innovative methodologies and results of recent years in research on these themes will be exposed in the 170 scientific works with both oral and poster presentations.

The Symposium is divided into five sessions, ranging from the Morphology and evolution of the coasts and seabeds, to the Geography and Landscape of the coastal strip, to pollution, energy production, to economic-environmental monitoring and evaluation and, finally, to the Flora and Fauna and the coastal and underwater cultural heritage. Of the works selected by the 46 members of the Scientific Committee, more than 12 belong to CNR researchers on the topics of the various Sessions and 70 are by foreign authors from 15 different countries.

The ever-increasing importance of the Symposium is confirmed by the prestigious patronage of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Accademia dei Georgofili, the University of Florence, the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Livorno, the Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea which this year saw the addition of the University of Catania and the Italian Association of Physical Geography and Geomorphology.


Porto Canale of Cagliari, KALPORT, the Port Labor and Transshipment Agency, has been established

To underline the close link between the Symposium, the city of Livorno and its historic coastal infrastructures, two guided tours will be planned at the end of the works in collaboration with the Port System Authority.

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