Beach cleaning in Fiumicino, return to Coccia di Morto

NewTuscia – ROME – Legambiente, after the many days of past years, this season has once again created a large task force along the coasts of Fiumicino, on the beaches falling within the Roman Coast State Reserve. In 8 days of volunteering, over 1,900 kg of abandoned waste were collected between Coccia di Morto and Passoscuro. It did so thanks to the association’s “Clean Beaches” campaign, the collaboration with the Municipality of Fiumicino and volunteers from business groups, schools and associations. Today the absolute record was set on a single beach, in Coccia di Morto, where 698 kg of waste were collected.

“Step by step, volunteers are redeveloping the most valuable beaches of Fiumicino, in the third year of collaboration with the local administration thanks to which the correct final contribution is guaranteed – declares Roberto Scacchi president of Legambiente Lazio – We can only thank the Municipality of Fiumicino for the synergy generated, just as we can only thank the great strength of the volunteers who today, hundreds of them, also set an absolute record for kilograms collected in a single day. We are being helped by companies that are particularly sensitive to the environmental commitment of their employees like those of today, but also by associative groups, schools, individual volunteers, thanks to whom an entire portion of the coast is changing for the better, moreover in a particularly complicated place for the flow of waste of all kinds, dragged by the Tiber and then by sea currents. When associations, companies, schools, citizens and municipal administrations collaborate for the common good, the result is literally extraordinary”.

Many volunteers, despite the heat, will return to these places in the coming weeks, but in the meantime Legambiente launches an appeal to swimmers: “Towards what will presumably be the first real bathing weekend of the year along the Lazio coast, we launch an appeal to those who will go to the beaches in the next few hours: not to abandon any type of waste and to be, each one, a protagonist of the improvement for the environmental quality along the coasts, from Coccia di Morto, which they will certainly find cleaner than in the past, to each of the portions of our beautiful coastline”.

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