«Blame the decline in vaccinations»

Finished the Covid-19 emergencythe alarm goes off now whooping cough, which in recent months has experienced its first peak after the pandemic. The ECDC, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, highlighted almost 60 thousand cases in Europe in 2023 and until April 2024, for an increase of more than 10 times compared to 2022 and 2021. According to the Italian Society of Paediatrics, the pathology is mainly affecting unvaccinated newborns and infants, causing a surge in hospitalizations in the country equal to 800% more than last year. Trend also detected in Veneto by the Region’s Prevention Directorate, which from January 1st to May 31st reports an increase in the number of patients, reaching 643.

The 0-14 year age group is affected

«The majority, i.e. 553, are concentrated in fage range between zero and 14 years – explains Dr. Francesca Russo, head of Prevention – there are 26 serious patients, for whom hospitalization was necessary. Twenty are newborns under 9 months and not yet fully vaccinated and the other older children but not in compliance with the recommended vaccination schedule. According to our analyses, newborns with severe pertussis were born to mothers who were not immunized during pregnancy. 16 over 65s were also affected.” «Whooping cough is triggered by a bacteria, it is transmitted through the airways and begins with a banal cough, in adults it looks like bronchitis – explains Doctor Massimo Bellettato, head of Pediatrics at the San Bortolo hospital in Vicenza -. But in the first 6 months of life yes can develop serious clinical pictures. And therefore, vaccination is recommended for pregnant women, which covers the baby for the first 4/6 months of life, after which he will in turn be immunized.”

Fragile subjects

Individuals with specifications are also at risk conditions of risk and fragility, such as the elderly and immunocompromised patients or with chronic respiratory diseases. «The increase in whooping cough is a fact, proven by hospitalizations, already five in my department – adds Dr. Bellettato – they concern infants up to three months of age. When they cough too much they need to be hospitalised, they become short of breath and can go into apnoea. The acute phase of the pathology is dangerous, although fortunately so far no child has needed it Intensive care. We proceed with antibiotic therapy, which partly reduces the evolution of the pathology, but the course is long, we are talking about 4/6 weeks before the patient recovers, with the risk of recurrence if vaccination does not intervene. It is enough to contract a cold or an infection to start coughing again and see significant symptoms reappear, if you have not been immunized.”

Decline in participation in the vaccination campaign

But what is due to the surge in cases recorded in the last year and a half? «The decline in participation in the vaccination campaign – replies the pediatrician – unfortunately after the Sars-Cov2 pandemic there has been a certain disaffection towards this vital form of prevention. AND It is essential that future mothers get immunized and in fact the Ministry of Health and the Region are raising awareness among gynecologists and midwives to advise them in this sense.” «Vaccination avoids serious forms of the disease – confirm the experts of the Region – and in Veneto it has been free for years. It is reserved for pregnant women, preferentially between the 27th and 36th week, for newborns starting from the second month of life, for the elderly and for frail patients”.
Parents of newborns they receive at home from the Local Health Authority reference letter of invitation to start childhood vaccinations, including whooping cough, indicating the date and location of the first appointment. Pregnant ladies they can instead get vaccinated at their local health authority, with priority and facilitated access, while 5-year-old children and 14-year-old adolescents receive a booster invitation by post. Finally, adults must independently schedule the anti-whooping cough every 10 years and it can be administered with the same vaccine that also acts as a booster for tetanus.

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