From Daniele Botti, the youngest mayoral candidate, Ferrara will have to be suitable for families and girls. – Telestense

Daniele Botti, a young candidate for mayor for a city suitable for girls and boys, for families, for a new confidence in the future. His program includes a commitment to transforming the city from the perspective of the needs of families and young people.

Entrepreneur, former center-right vice president of Acer, supporter of Alan Fabbri’s candidacy in 2019, Daniele Botti is probably the most civic candidate for mayor of the 4 candidates for the position of mayor of Ferrara for the next five years. He is proud of it, he repeats, even if he has received the support of ItaliaViva, Matteo Renzi’s party. Botti stays away from polarizations, neither too far to the right nor too far to the left, not too environmentalist, not too much a supporter of grassroots participation. In short, equidistant, but strongly committed on six fronts: family, young people, healthcare and smart cities. Work and in particular new attention
for the Chemical Pole.
29 years old, sportsman, communicator, entrepreneur in the world of marketing, father of two children, sportsman, a long presence in the world of family volunteering, for him his Ferrara Futura, as the name of his civic list states, must favor families and young people two realities to which its program dedicates more detailed and broad attention. Ferrara Futura proposes itself, in fact, as written in the program, as a catalyst for change to transform Ferrara into a place where families can prosper and young people can find solid job opportunities (3 out of 4 young people from Ferrara are unemployed, underlines Botti). Our approach is based on some fundamental pillars, taking inspiration from the visionary family policies of Trentino-Alto Adige, from the idea of ​​the “Parma Quotient” and the Family” for greater equity in nursery schools, nursery schools, school canteens, summer centers and access to public housing, and by many other good practices collected by a
in-depth study throughout the national territory by our team and by listening to the cry for help of many families in the city. For each theme there are summaries that reflect the point of view of the candidate and his team. We start with children “they are always the last in politics because they don’t vote, says Botti, they are the invisible greats of contemporary politics.

For us, children – children – are the cornerstone of a healthy society that looks to the future. For us at Ferrara Futura, children are the priority.” In terms of development policies, Botti’s Ferrara Futura gives priority to the relaunch of
local and tourism businesses, doing business must not be a nightmare, strategies are needed to combat commercial desertification for a true rebirth of the historic center. Students will also be the protagonists of the future; for Ferrara Futura the University represents not only an important historical and cultural heritage for the
city, but it is also an important economic driving force with an annual turnover of over 149 million euros and an excellent scientific research and training center on which to focus and enhance it. Among the objectives is also Ferrara “smart city” through the adoption of innovative strategies inspired by the best examples of Italian smart cities.

So sustainable mobility, inclusiveness and attractiveness for young people, working hard to become a “city of collective intelligence” more than just a “smart city”
Finally, for health, the need to intervene on dysfunctions: emergency room and waiting lists for specialist visits. While the Energy in Movement chapter talks about transforming Ferrara into a greener and more active city, where bonds between generations become stronger through sport and shared physical activity. Finally on
Petrochemical the watchword is innovation.
The slogan is “We cannot limit city politics to a simple attraction of specific funds and financing. The local administration must connect the large petrochemical players and UNIFE for new employment that responds to the green transition and technological innovation”

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