The Memorandum of Understanding signed between Aisa Impianti and Confartigianato for the diffusion of the “Zero Waste” project in the business world

A signature to make the path towards sustainability concrete. With the agreement signed this morning between Confartigianato Imprese Arezzo and “Zero Waste” of Aisa Impianti spa, a path of awareness and good practices which will materialize in at least a year of initiatives. The reduction of waste and the conscious use of resources are the philosophy of “Zero Waste”, which will make its skills available to all members: the agreement provides training courses intended for private individuals, such as those to reduce waste in kitchens and carry out correct waste separation, but also consultancy and support activities for businesses on how to reduce waste and consumption, also through the subsidiary Aisa Impianti Environmental Management. The objective is to bring the world of manufacturing ever closer to businesses ESG, (Environmental, Social and Governance), the environmental, social and energy sustainability rating required by Europe.

“In a world increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, reducing waste has become a fundamental priority”, explains the secretary of Confartigianato Arezzo, Alessandra Papini. As Confartigianato we promote it both at a corporate and social level, aware that sustainability must become a lifestyle over time. With this spirit – underlines Papini – today we signed the memorandum of understanding with Aisa Impianti which aims to promote and raise awareness of the concept of “Zero Waste” at a family, corporate and personal level. Another important step after the agreement for the management of mowing and pruning.”

The project will be activated through a series of concrete and collaborative actions.

It is an important step for our Confartigianato System towards a more sustainable management of our resources – he specifies Angiolo Galletti president of ANAP representing Confartigianato People– We are proud to collaborate with Aisa Impianti to achieve common waste reduction objectives. The People area of ​​Confartigianato will be directly involved in this awareness-raising phase with courses and moments that teach how to save economic and food resources, also to make ends meet for the family budget which is increasingly important today”.

The cycle of actions envisaged in the protocol will begin as early as Tuesday 11 June and will continue in the following months, with a course on the correct practices for recovering plant waste.

LThe agreement with Confartigianato is a further step with which “Zero Waste” comes further closer to the needs of civil society, of those who work and those who must manage problems in waste management and resource recovery, and puts his professionalism and experience at their service- said the president of Aisa Impianti spa Giacomo Cherici. – This is because in the future it would be important to start thinking about developing a whole series of additional products and services, which can meet the needs not only of those who need to manage scrap and waste while working, but also of those who need to improve energy performance of your company system, made up of machinery, tools and infrastructure. Our collaborative activity therefore has two main objectives: the first is to create a distribution of heat and energy from renewable sources throughout the entire area around the San Zeno recovery hub, reducing business costs and the environmental impact of companies. The second, to help businesses at Confartigianato offices through technical assistance to reduce waste, environmental impact and energy consumption”.

Little Chefs Band – underlines the founder And dietician Barbara Lapini – is an association that deals with food education starting from theory and rigorously arriving at practice to teach children, aged 2 to 14 years and over, to learn to eat products made with recycled cuisine, arriving with enthusiasm to transmit these values ​​also within families. Particular attention is paid to educating about zero food waste which, in addition to being a plague for our society, is an important impoverishment for our diet – underlines the dietician – since among the waste ends up not only the savings of our families, precious nutrients such as fiber and vitamins from peels and more, which would greatly benefit the proper functioning of our body and preserve a good state of health.

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Confartigianato Imprese Arezzo

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