Adriana Poli Bortone signs the Pact for the historic centre

”I signed without any ifs or buts, with deep conviction the Pact for the historic center, a document that was signed by businesses, professionals and the Committee for the Protection of the historic center of Lecce. A non-divisive pact, but which through common sense seeks to balance the mutual interests of resident citizens and operators”. This was stated in a note by Adriana Poli Bortone, mayoral candidate for the centre-right in Lecce.

”It is a pact that restores dignity to our beautiful historic centre, which has been damaged in recent years in terms of image, economy and livability and in that effectively non-existent dichotomy between good nightlife and bad nightlife. With this document the citizens who live and work in the historic center ask: cfrequent checks against commercial and administrative abuses; Strengthening of the video surveillance system to discourage illicit acts; provision of a sound level meter to the local police to monitor noise pollution; compliance with regulatory restrictions on private events, especially regarding noise; control of the opening and closing times of the premises and the diffusion of music; reduction of bollards to increase the availability of parking spaces for residents; regular verification of licenses and occupations of public land; creation of a permanent consultation table at the Municipality to involve residents, traders and other operators”.

”I therefore thank the proponents of this document who have fully demonstrated how citizens are the glue for good administration. It is sad to note that only from them should come the example of the participatory model that we instead hope for and which will be the foundation on which our administration will be built, if you give us the opportunity to be protagonists of change together. This is a first step to give breathing space to a historic center which, in recent years, has been suffocated by neglect. For this reason we are aiming for intelligent traffic management in the historic centre, also through the use of electric buses, which does not isolate those who live there, because especially for elderly people it is important to give continuity to social relationships. I therefore invite the other mayoral candidates to sign this commitment for the good of the city and its historic center”, concludes Poli Bortone.

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