event on 11 June in Pesaro for workplace safety

event on 11 June in Pesaro for workplace safety
event on 11 June in Pesaro for workplace safety

Tuesday 11 June, Piazza del Popolo in Pesaro will be the stage for “Safety Love”, a free evening event which combines music and awareness of health and safety at work. “Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this special evening, where music and social commitment meet to promote a theme of fundamental importance for everyone” say the organizers.

Who organizes Safety Love? Who are the expected guests and where can they see the event?

Safety Love: the event, the guests

“Safety Love” is organized by the Rubes Triva Foundation, with the executive production of iCompany, and created thanks to the support of Hera Group, Fasda, Utilitalia, Banfi and Andrean Accident Prevention Centrethe.

It will start at 9pm and will feature ten notable artists who will give voice to the principles of the Urbino Charter, a document developed by the Rubes Triva National Security Foundation and the “Olympus” Observatory of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. This decalogue is aimed at promoting reflection on the protection of the health, safety and well-being of workers.

On stage, under the direction of Monica Settathey will perform BigMama, Coma_Cose, Edoardo Bennato, Francesca Barra, Leo Gassmann, Malika Ayane, Neri Marcorè, Noemi, Piero Pelù and Stefano Massiniaccompanied by the G. Rossini Symphony Orchestra of Pesaro conducted by Maestro Daniele Rossi.

Where to see Safety Love?

The event will also be televised, with a version produced by iCompany set to air on Rai 1 in the late evening, Saturday 13 July 2024.

From Safety Love to the International Festival of Health and Safety at Work

“Safety Love” anticipates the third edition of the “International Festival of Health and Safety at Work”, which will be held in Pesaro from 12 to 14 June in Piazza del Popolo. The festival, organized in collaboration with Inail and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work EU-OSHA, will be an important opportunity for debate and comparison at European level on prevention and health protection policies in the workplace.

The themes of the International Festival of Health and Safety at Work 2024

This year’s theme, “Prevention and protection policies for people who work”, aims to stimulate reflection on work as a means of fulfillment, integration and inclusion. These are important issues on which the entire world of work and civil society are called to reflect, to base their concrete actions on those values ​​that must constitute the foundations of a truly participatory prevention and protection system.

Last year we followed the second edition of the event which focused on the theme of “Organizational Wellbeing”, understood as the impact of good organization.

A team of editorial professionals and experts in the topics of health and safety at work, fire prevention, environmental protection, construction, security and privacy. For over 20 years at the helm of EPC Editore’s online information channel

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