Modica, Carabinieri arrest 61-year-old for persecutory acts towards aunt and nephew

In recent days, the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Modica Company and the Pozzallo Station arrested a 61-year-old man from Modica, divorced, businessman, multiple offenders and, among other things, currently subject to a ban in the act of committing a crime. of approaching another person, being responsible for a series of persecutory conduct against two women, related to each other. The delicate Judicial Police operation began at the first light of dawn when, following a request for intervention received at the Operations Center of the Modica Company, a 54-year-old resident in the city of Pozzallo, but originally from South America, realized , after hearing a roar, that his car, parked a few meters away from the place where he temporarily lived, was completely engulfed in flames. The timely intervention of the Carabinieri patrol of the local station prevented the flames from spreading and involving the houses in that area, as they were also put out with the use of the fire extinguisher supplied with the service car. In the same circumstances in which the area was being secured, the emergency patrol of the Aliquota Radiomobile learned, following the vision of the municipal video surveillance system of the city of Pozzallo which documented the passage of a particular car, of the fact that the author of the intimidating act could be a citizen of the County, which is why they immediately went to his home, where they ascertained his absence. The soldiers were stationed around the town for a few minutes, enough to find the person of interest had returned to his home. Once the man’s position was crystallized, the military began to reconstruct the dynamics of the criminal episode that occurred during the night, to which they also linked that of May 27, the date on which the fire was set at the front door of the house of the same person receiving the harassing acts. Having perceived the high danger for the safety of the people involved in the affair, the operators, in addition to putting in place all the appropriate measures to guarantee their safety, took steps to acquire all the necessary elements in order to reconstruct the harassment and intimidation that women have had to suffer over the past few months and which reached its peak with the latest episode of May 30th. The trigger for these oppressive behaviors towards the 54-year-old was the man’s attempt to establish a morbid relationship with his niece, a young 25-year-old, also of South American origin who, last November, had already reported the man for the same type of crime and for which a ban on approach had resulted, which was never respected, so much so that the continuous pressure and the fear of suffering further repercussions meant that the young woman postponed her complaint in March of this year. Despite this step backwards by the girl, evidently the result of the man’s psychological pressure, the intimidating acts did not end but became routine: in fact the man began to wait for the young woman at her place of work and her home, in an attempt to invite her to spend time together. The aunt’s interference, given the obvious alteration in the life habits of her niece, who began to no longer leave the house for fear of meeting the man, meant that she herself became the further victim of the stalker’s domineering will. . Thus began the episodes of damage to him, starting from the defacement of the façade of his home, which occurred in January, to the subsequent fire in the part in front of the home, which occurred on the evening of May 27, up to the episode last Thursday relating to the damage, again by fire, of his car. Having reconstructed the repeated conduct carried out by the man towards the two women, at the disposal of the Judicial Authority, the interested party was placed under house arrest with the application of the electronic bracelet. The phenomenon of violence against women, which has sadly become commonplace news, representing a national emergency, requires a massive presence of the various branches of the force in the area, in order to detect any type of intimidation, whether implemented in everyday life and by means of virtual tools, in order to be able to act with the right timing and such as to allow the protection of the safety of the victims, as in this case was fully achieved by the soldiers of the Modica Army.

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