Open letter from ten personalities in support of Pizzetti’s list “Cremona sei tu”

An appeal to vote for Luciano Pizzetti’s list “Cremona sei tu!”, which comes from ten personalities from the Cremona world who in different ways are contributing to the growth of the community, through their professions and activities in different social fields. Pizzetti, on the occasion of these administrative elections, wanted to create this list of communities, (Cremonasei Tu!) which brings together people and citizens who love Cremona and their neighbours. Those signing the appeal so that the value of a politician like Pizzetti who has done so much for Cremona is recognized are very well-known doctors such as Alberto Bottini and Daniele Generali, a philosopher like Mauro Ceruti, scholars such as Riccardo Groppali and Anna Lazzarini, the film producer and journalist Cristiana Mainardi. And then Giorgio Barbieri, Laura Beltrami, Gian Pietro Gennari, Fiorella Lazzari, all people convinced that “in our society an aspect that should be central is being devalued: the value of experience. This weakens the quality of local government, with often disheartening results. Experience, in fact, is linked to knowledge, reliability and, above all, responsibility and a sense of limits”.

Thus begins the open letter signed at the end of the electoral campaign, which paints a portrait of Pizzetti not as a party man but as a person “who in all these years of commitment, including parliamentary and governmental, has always had a single guiding star: the good of Cremona”, it is read. “Many interventions have been carried out and many resources have arrived by virtue of this commitment. Today in these administrative elections Luciano Pizzetti ran as a candidate to make his concreteness and his national and regional relationships available to the Cremonese community to support a project to relaunch Cremona that surpasses and improves what has been done in recent years. We are convinced – add the signatories that the future of our city requires an integrated and participatory approach that involves institutions, businesses, associations and citizens”.

We need a new community pact – they add – that orients and guides change. Identify together the most effective priorities and strategies, taking into account the specificities of the territory and the available resources. Only through a common commitment, a concertation, will it be possible to build a better future for Cremona. This is why we need women and men capable of dialogue, of forming alliances, of networking and of relating to the country. Lights and shadows are there in front of us. We must know how to seize opportunities and address problems.”

“The challenge – we read again – is to transform the vision into reality, into concreteness. It is for this reason that we need women and men who know how to act in politics and in institutions with effectiveness, responsibility, seriousness and commitment.
For these reasons, in the next local elections on 8 and 9 June we firmly propose to reserve one vote and one preference for Luciano Pizzetti, head of the list of “Cremona, sei tu!”.


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