Corigliano-Rossano. The last Council as a boomerang for the centre-right

Corigliano-Rossano. The last Council as a boomerang for the centre-right
Corigliano-Rossano. The last Council as a boomerang for the centre-right

by Alberto Laise

We have reached the end of the electoral campaign and all that remains are the final rallies. The third televised debate was also canceled due to the unavailability of the centre-right candidate, which seems, if not a sort of surrender, at least the observation that in the direct confrontation there were few arguments to oppose to Stasi.
Will the final rallies move something? One gets the impression that, especially after the comparison between the invocations to the Saints of one and the poetic concreteness of the other, that it can only increase the gap between the two which, from several sources, seems to be more than 10 points. After all, if anyone writes “remuntada”… it means that there is someone behind it and this is also known to the centre-right.

The point of no return was the city council which the centre-right had announced as “devastating” for the majority and which then turned out to be a boomerang for the latter and because more than half of the opposition ran away (precisely those who are engaged in the electoral campaign), leaving a councilor – Scarcello – to try to say something and obtaining the effect of looking like Don Quixote, orphan even of Sancho Panza… In fact, his expression is priceless when he sees councilor Olivo enter and then sees her cut the rope.

The Council brought to light, aside from the jokes, the work done by the municipal administration, by the secretary Lo Moro and by all the managers, in putting a patch on the debts found in inheritance. At a certain point the discussion was no longer about who had made the debt (it would be enough to read the names of the mayors from ’93 to today to get the answer) but about who had authorized Lo Moro to save our Municipality’s ass… That is, the fault of the manager, not just the municipal secretary, was that of not having made us go bankrupt… Certain… much better Belluscio who gave himself production bonuses having produced, sorry for the French, the so-called “mushroom”…

The reality is that, as emerged in the San Nico rally, where Stasi is extraordinary in saying that in the city the mayor has no “wolf dens” to worry about because “the wolf is his friend”, on the one hand there are those who have worked for five years which demonstrate what they have done and are the guarantee of what they intend to do, on the other there is their opponent, Roberto Occhiuto, who promises, promises, promises, accuses, accuses, accuses but has no weapons to stop the historical truth that emerged in this electoral campaign: Corigliano-Rossano simply has to choose between those who fight for her and those who fight to keep her on the outskirts of the empire.

And this is the fascinating challenge that the new administration must accept. Having built the foundations and patched up the disasters of the past, the journey now begins to make this city the political, economic and moral guide of the Ionian arc. An enormous but achievable challenge, especially if, once selfishness has been overcome and the fracture with parties too often focused on nothing has been healed, the conditions are also created for a collective conscience that thinks ahead in time about the steps to come. And then the limit is only the sky above us.
And then the latest rallies can both tell what has actually been done… and what, with courage and ambition, even with shameless bravado, we can dream of doing.

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