Artina, the singer from Quartu presents the new single

Artina presents the first single with the stage name: “Lontano da qui”

A song that marks rebirth, the desire to go further and leave everything behind: with these words Martina Cardia, aka Artinapresents the new single to the microphones of Radiolina “Far from here”, the first with a stage name. The singer was interviewed by Francesca Figuson the pages dedicated to the culture of The Sardinian Union (Click here to purchase your digital copy)

Artina and Francesco Abate in the Radiolina studios

Artina: the new single in collaboration with Kikko Palmesi

32 years old, from Quartu Sant’Elena, Artina has collaborated with a great Milanese producer who in the past has worked with artists of the caliber of Modà, Emma and Valerio Scanu or Kikko Palmosi: “I had the fortune and grace of knowing him and establishing a beautiful relationship with him, without which such a beautiful piece could not have been born”Artina explained to Radiolina.

Art has always been an integral part of Artina’s life, since she was little. The singer has always felt the need to express herself through music, telling her story and her experiences: “In this first piece of mine, I wanted all the sensitivity that characterizes me to emerge”Artina said.

The song is an emotional journey in which a lot of suffering is felt. During a particular period of his life, Artina chose to transform pain, treating it like a good friend and creating something special. “Lontano da qui” represents a rebirth, the strength to overcome difficulties. The production of the song was carried out in Milan, with a video shot both in the studio and in the location of the photo shoot. The singer will soon be on tour to present the new single.

Interview by Francesco Abate
Caffè Corretto dated 06-06-2024

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