“Skill shake”, Saturday 8 June Games and socializing at the Falcone Borsellino in Legnano

“Skill shake”, Saturday 8 June Games and socializing at the Falcone Borsellino in Legnano
“Skill shake”, Saturday 8 June Games and socializing at the Falcone Borsellino in Legnano

Testing your skills, sharing passions and building positive relationships with others: it is born in the spirit of play and socialization “Skill shake – Put your skills into play”the initiative planned and organized by the Albatros social cooperative, the municipal administration and the local police command for the afternoon ofon Saturday 8 June at the Falcone Borsellino Park.

The recipients of the initiative are, first and foremost, people in the 14 – 35 age group, iinvited to experience the game in all its forms and to learn about the formal and informal realities of the area. “Skill shake” was born in the wake of “Legnano siCura”, there
campaign designed in 2021 to raise awareness among citizens at the time of post-pandemic reopenings and to monitor places frequented by young people, identified as at-risk contexts, and is part of the actions of the Gap Local Plan of Ats Milan which aim to prevent and combat gambling disorder ‘I gamble.

«The situation we find ourselves in today is, fortunately, very different from the one in which Legnano siCura was born, characterized by a decidedly critical pandemic phase from which we struggled to escape by seeking a balance between the understandable needs of socialization and the necessary measures to safeguard health – recalls Ilaria Maffei, councilor for the inclusive community. But even then the effort was… transform points of the city center such as the Falcone Borsellino park into places of sociality that respect everyone’s needs thanks to social, cultural and sporting initiatives and starting from a very specific belief of our administration: when a place is frequented it can become a safer place”.

There will be various games on offer, from wooden and skill games to miniature games, from stations with keyboard, balance boards and chess kendama, from art workshops to board and board gamesfrom the circus school to book and reading proposals. Famiglia Legnanese, Ludoteca Altomilanese and Girolibri collaborate on the initiative; the “Jump around” mobile unit will be present, the regional project, co-financed with the European Social Fund created by Albatros cooperative social non-profit organization and aimed at building an integrated intervention system on the subject of young people, social inclusion and reduction of risks connected to use of drugs and alcohol. The initiative, as already in 2023, is part of the “La Bella Estate” program.

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