Naples, Polyclinic pharmacy theft: life-saving drugs stolen

They acted with ease, because they knew that the area was not covered by cameras in use. More precisely, they knew that the video surveillance system outside the pharmacy of the second polyclinic was broken, not operational, and therefore useless. Secure information, decisive for the gang that last night operated in one of the most important points of our healthcare logistics: we are talking about the pharmacy, a strategic laboratory for Naples and the region, taken by storm on the night of May 31st. The toll of the damage suffered was serious: a large quantity of haematological and biological medicines for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and rare diseases.

A hole of 1 million and 400 thousand euros, net of the severity of the episode which removes difficult-to-find drugs from ordinary use. Investigation by the Carabinieri, starting from the complaint made by the director of the Federico II company pharmacy, who raised the alarm as soon as she took possession of the premises in the Federico II department. There were no signs of forced entrythe entrance to the premises was not broken into or tampered with.

The cold storage rooms have been emptied, at least for some life-saving medicines used for rare diseases. An organized assault, studied carefully, thanks to precise information on the failure of the video surveillance system and the access system inside the commercial premises. It took the police a few minutes to verify that the DVR taken from the fixed camera system was completely empty, with no memory; and that the business was opened by someone who had access keys and electronic codes. Mole hypothesis, hunt for internal complicity.

Whoever took action also had the right instructions on the drugs to take away. The thieves were targeted, on the cold storage departments that contained the most expensive medicines, those that cost the most on the Italian and foreign markets. It is probable that a van equipped for the transport of easily perishable medicines was used, the kind that must always remain at a certain temperature so as not to deteriorate within a few hours. A professional coup, which confirms the existence of a phenomenon already reported over the years, regarding the black market of oncology and life-saving drugs.

The backstory

Typically, thefts occur on commission. AND the goods almost never stay in the city, but generally it is destined for Calabria, and then ends up in Albania and other Eastern European regions. The Calabrian port is often used to retrace the drug routes (which were once smuggling) and to place high-cost medicines in other regions of Europe. But let’s get back on the inside track.

Store opening hours, access codes, malfunctioning cameras which, at this point, could even have been sabotaged by an expert hand. At work the police of the general’s provincial command Enrico Scandoneunder the coordination of pm Maurizio De Marco, store employees will be interviewed, but also internal security personnel. Starting from the vigilantes, who – as is known – ensure the control of public order within the university campus.


Maximum collaboration from the manager Giuseppe Longo, while the objective of the healthcare company is clear: to reorganize the supplies, to prevent repercussions on assistance, to put back into operation those cameras that were blocked in the decisive moment of the thieves’ attack.

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