Is there really a danger of an invasion?

The Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Southern Italy has recently increased attention on the phenomenon of worm dog on the coasts of Campania.

Lately, this species has been bringing concern and alarm especially to Southern Italy, but why?

Herculaneum, a Dutch tourist reported after having defaced a Roman domus

The worm dog, a truly annoying marine worm

The worm dog is a colorful and lively marine worm, 20 to 30 centimeters long, but specimens even measuring half a meter have been sighted. What makes the worm dog dangerous are its stinging lateral bristles. Skin contact may cause painful irritations, itching and even fever. These reactions can be alleviated with the application of cortisone.

Although the vermocane is native to the warm waters of the southern Mediterranean, sightings have recently been reported further north, including the southern region of Italy. The worm is believed to be moving due to warming seas. Consequently, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics raised the alarm.

As reported Fanpagethe Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Southern Italy, responsible for the animal branch, has decided to increase attention on this phenomenon in the Campania region. At the moment, there is no specific alarm about the presence of vermocane on the Campania coast, but given the rapid spread of these worms and the sightings reported in other regions, it is necessary to keep our attention high. If specimens of vermocane are spotted near the coast of Campania, it is important not to touch them and immediately report their presence to the competent authorities.

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