Disruptions at Reggio airport: only one gate remains available

Flights at Reggio Calabria airport are increasing but inconveniences are growing: only one gate open for checks on passengers and staff

LAMEZIA TERME – «At a time when passenger traffic has increased exponentiallyReggio Calabria airport, one passenger gate and one for staff have been eliminated, leaving only one passage available for checks. Therefore the staff (pilots, on-board assistants, Sacal staff, Aviapartner etc..) are forced to access the service areas, having to ask passengers in line to give way, in order to guarantee the departure of the planes on time. The absurdities of the wicked management of Calabrian airports continue.” This is the complaint of the national secretary of Sata Luciano Amodeo who, together with the Or.Sa union. Air Transport, express satisfaction with the success of the sit-in in front of the Prefecture of Catanzaro and of the protest action on 28 May by the employees of Sacal and Sacal Gh spa, giving voice to the uneasiness at the Lamezia, Reggio and Crotone airports of Calabrian airport system.

«Even the control of passengers with reduced mobility – continues Amodeo – is carried out without them being subjected to the passage of the metal detector and they are abandoned in an area, without the person in charge being able to maintain visual control. In the meantime, he will have to awkwardly skip the queue and undergo security checks before being able to take care of the passenger entrusted to him again, leaving him alone. In addition to this very serious situation, forming the very long waiting queue in the gate access area, you could also find the authorities subject to the escort for the protection of their own safety, and all those entitled for security reasons. In this situation – he continues – we have already seen passengers left stranded due to delays at security checks. We ask ourselves what the role of the supervisory bodies is, which in such circumstances should intervene promptly so as not to reduce the safety of accurate checks”.
Amodeo also addresses “an appeal to the general director of Enac, Alessio Quaranta, who lately seems to have been distracted from the countless problems relating to the safety of Calabrian airports, on which inspections are lacking”.

After the sit-in in front of the Prefecture, the national secretary of Sata Luciano Amodeo, the general secretary of the Or.Sa confederation. Calabria Vincenzo Rogolino and the assistant secretary Paolo Occhiuto were received by the Prefect of Catanzaro, who with great availability acknowledged the union’s complaints, committing himself to the necessary investigations into workplace safety. Meanwhile, the Or.Sa. union awaits the necessary answers, which, if they do not arrive in the next few hours, will generate a new protest action, which this time will inevitably last 24 hours. “We will take to the streets again, calling in a more determined way the attention of politics and the regional government which are totally absent from the very serious problems that affect the rights of workers in the sector”, announces the union.

With this, accusing Sacal that «it continues not to respect the national contract and the regulations in force, while the employees ask for the transformation of the contracts from part-time to full-time to meet the actual needs, as well as the need to find other staff from the market externally, also through the use of seasonal workers”. «In all this, what is the role of Enac with respect to Sacal’s latest wicked decisions at Reggio Calabria airport, to the detriment of security checks? – asks the national secretary of Sata Luciano Amodeo – despite having found resources, the company is struggling to include all the candidates present in the ranking, thus generating overloads of work and congestion of activities”.

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