In Piacenza in one year 740 divorces and separations against 223 civil marriages

In Piacenza in one year 740 divorces and separations against 223 civil marriages
In Piacenza in one year 740 divorces and separations against 223 civil marriages

Fifty years ago the referendum that confirmed the law on divorce it brought ninety percent of Italians to the polls, split public opinion and showed how much the customs, if not the values, of a country that found itself more secular and emancipated had changed.

Since that half century it has been convenient to deal with the state of things, for example under the lens of the judge who deals with these cases. In the Piacenza area we asked the judge for a hand Marisa Cats, president of the civil section of the Court. Research allows us to evaluate a high number of divorce procedures last year, 630. But even in the Municipality people separate in the absence of children: in 2023 there were 108 cases, and 2 dissolutions of civil unions. Love has broken down in very young couples, but also with half a century of married life behind them. For the judge, a non-negligible emotional burden in turn because he is faced with painful life situations that belong to everyone.

And finally, a curiosity, putting aside any easy judgment – but the numbers speak for themselves – lies in the counterweight of civil marriages registered in Piacenza at the registry office: 223 last yearwith 15 civil unions, 11 between men and 4 between women.


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