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The film by Antonello Faretta with Craco as the protagonist available on-demand

Tuesday 4 June 2024 – New streaming release for “Montedoro”the film directed by Antonello Faretta and produced by Noeltan Arts inspired by the true story of the Americana Pia Marie Mannoriginally from Craco, returns to make people talk about Basilicata in the circuit of quality arthouse cinema thanks to the new on-demand release on ZaLab View platform dedicated to the best of Italian and international real cinema.

Entirely filmed in Basilicata, Montedoro is a psychomagical journey of a middle-aged American woman who is faced with a shocking revelation about her origins only after the death of her parents.
Deeply shaken and in the throes of an identity crisis, she decides to embark on a journey in search of her biological mother she never knew, a journey that can therefore allow her to discover her roots but also her family history.
Headed towards a small and remote town in Southern Italy called Montedoro (in reality the ghost village of Craco, in the province of Matera), it finds itself facing an extraordinary landscape: the town, located on a majestic hill, appears abandoned and desolate. Thanks to the chance encounter with mysterious figures, who have chosen to remain in that place, the protagonist immerses herself in a magical and compelling journey through time and memory. During this experience, she reconnects with the spirits of a mysterious past but intimately linked to her, part of her family saga and of an ancient and mysterious community now extinct that will relive one last time.
The film therefore unfolds between past and present, between reality and myth, accompanying the audience on an exciting journey to discover a forgotten land and stories buried in time. Through the voice of the protagonist, it tells us the story of an abandoned place and a disappeared community, but also of rebirth and rediscovery of one’s roots.
In the film, there are two elements that intertwine in a unique way: on the one hand, the protagonist returns to her roots and rediscovers her personal history during her journey; on the other, Montedoro, sculpted in the evocative reality of Craco, becomes one of the main “characters” of the film, a ghost village that lives on in the memory of its inhabitants.
The film therefore explores in a profound and evocative way the link between personal identity and places of origin, highlighting how returning to one’s roots can be an experience of great emotional value and personal enrichment.

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Montedoro – which has been talked about over the years, so much so that it was elected among the best films of contemporary Italian cinema by the recently deceased film critic Adriano Aprà – was produced by Noeltan Arts in collaboration with Todos Contentos Y Yo Tambien, Rattapallax Films, Astrolabio and the support of Lucana Film Commission, APT Basilicata, The Craco Society and saw the participation of professional and non-professional actors including Pia Marie Mann, Joe Capalbo, Caterina Pontrandolfo, Luciana Paolicelli, Domenico Brancale, Aurelio Donato Giordano with the involvement of the inhabitants of Craco.
For those who want to see Montedoro on Zalabview the link is the following:

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