Vandals cut down the skating club’s marquee

Vandals cut down the skating club’s marquee
Vandals cut down the skating club’s marquee

Grosseto, July 3, 2024 – An insult. Not only to a sports facility, which can be repaired, but a disgrace to the Grosseto Cp, its fans, the Grosseto hockey movement and the very symbols of the city. +

It was a rude awakening yesterday morning for the Grosseto Skating Clubthe Serie A1 roller hockey club that manages the facility on Via Mercurio, and where there is the tensile structure that houses the rink for the red and white team’s matches.

Unknown vandals have in fact cut, probably with a cutter or with a large knife, the tent in four places. In two areas in the “short” part, in front of the gym and in two other places in the part that houses the bar-restaurant. But not only.

They entered the building and vandalized it also two banners of the fans, a banner of the Cp Grosseto and also the flag of Grosseto with the Griffin. Some people who arrived at the facility noticed the damage and then alerted the management. From what we understood, it was really a prank: the facility workers also found the helmets for the mini-hockey children thrown on the ground.

An attack on the president’s company Stephen Ostiwhich occurred on Monday night. The facility does not have video surveillance cameras and therefore the vandals acted undisturbed during the night hours.

Nothing was stolen, a fact that increasingly supports the hypothesis that it was just a series of acts of vandalism an end in themselves. The company called the Police who sent a patrol car to the scene. Yesterday morning, experts from the Scientific Police also arrived and carried out the surveys.

This is the first time that the plant has undergone an act of vandalism. In fact, in recent years, despite some thefts suffered from coffee machines that occurred a few years ago, no one had ever damaged the structure that hosts the matches of the A1 series team and also all those of the youth sector.

The president is embittered Grosseto Skating ClubStefano Osti, warned of what had happened: “What happened to our facility is an act of cruelty against us – said the highest biancorosso manager – It was an act of contempt. And whoever committed it is certainly a despicable person because he attacked not only the facility but also the banners and flags of the Cp Grosseto, of the city and also the banners of our supporters”.

Anger and bitterness also in the mayor’s words Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna. “I am shocked by what happened last night at the Circolo pattinatori – said the mayor –. Vandals have unleashed their anger and idiocy against the sports facilities on Via Mercurio. A shameful gesture. The damage is considerable. I trust in the work of the police. I want to express my closeness to the top management of the Cp Grosseto company”.

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