Riot of colours, sounds and dances in the village

RONCIGLIONE – The second edition of the Interculture day entitled “The smile speaks only one language” took place on Friday afternoon, organized by the Mariangela Virgili comprehensive institute in a truly suggestive location.

A whirlwind of colours, flavours, sounds and dances animated the medieval village, an event dedicated to the celebration of diversity and the meeting between different cultures. The protagonists of this special day were the children of nursery and primary school, who had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world rich in traditions and customs from every corner of the planet. The village was transformed into an intercultural village, where each class presented nursery rhymes, counts, foods, costumes, songs and traditional festivals, all coordinated and organized by the teacher Romina De Angelis who was able to manage a great event with professionalism and organization . The organization could not lack the collaboration of the tireless colleagues who worked both in setting up and preparing the activity for their class. Walking through the streets of the village you were captivated by the typical specialities, where the aromas mixed with the notes of traditional music, creating a festive and welcoming atmosphere. Typical clothes and traditions were presented and explained with enthusiasm. The nursery rhymes and the tales displayed and represented in many different languages. The young students of different nationalities performed traditional dances and songs, giving the public moments of great emotion and sharing.

The Intercultural day was a precious opportunity for students to learn about and appreciate cultures different from their own, breaking down prejudices and stereotypes. The event demonstrated how diversity is a wealth that must be valued and that mutual respect is the basis for building a more just and inclusive world. The initiative was also a great success among parents, who participated in large numbers in the activities and expressed their praise for the school’s commitment to promoting values ​​of openness and tolerance. The Intercultural day ended with a moment of intense emotion, represented by the launch of a white balloon left to fly into the sky in memory of a recent and painful loss that shocked the entire school community.

«Special thanks to the director Stefania Zega – they say from the institute – who has always worked for a school open to the territory, to the new and to respect for different cultures, encouraging numerous initiatives, to the vice-principal Rosaria Cuzzoli, to the trustees (Gaetani Anna for the nursery school and Angeletti Marina for the primary school) for having coordinated the organization of the event, to the Municipality of Ronciglione which allowed the holding of the event to the Borghi, to the Red Cross of Ronciglione for assistance, to all the staff who took care of the setup, the sound engineers, the teachers who coordinated the activities with enthusiasm, love and passion but above all they transferred important values ​​to all the children and obviously a special thanks to all the children and their families”.


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