Corbetta: a bill to improve urban decorum

The League in the Lombardy Region, on the initiative of the regional councilor and group leader Alessandro Corbettapresented an innovative bill aimed at supporting municipalities and provinces in the implementation of projects for the protection of the territory through the figure of the “civic roadman”.

Objective: redevelopment and maintenance

The bill, called “Measures to support local authorities for the implementation of projects relating to civic road inspectors”, is divided into several key points. The main objective is to encourage local authorities’ initiatives for the redevelopment and maintenance not only of urban areas, but also of peripheral, wooded or sparsely inhabited areas through the active involvement of the local community.
The figure of “civic roadmen” is central to the bill, i.e. people who deal with the cleaning and small maintenance of roads, artefacts, street furniture, and public spaces such as parks and gardens.

The project also provides financial support to local authorities for the implementation of these initiatives. In fact, the Region will grant financial contributions to cover part of the expenses necessary for the realization of the civic cantonieri’s projects. Local authorities will be able to participate in an annual tender, presenting development projects aimed at the redevelopment of degraded areas. Furthermore, the civic cantonieri will receive specific training of at least 15 hours, which will include practical-operational aspects and operating principles of the regional and local civil protection system.

One and a half million euros (500,000 euros per year) will be allocated for the three-year period 2024-2026, but the objective is to attract European funds to finance these projects.

Corbetta’s words

“The proposed law – explains the presenter, Alessandro Corbetta – not only aims to improve the aesthetic aspect and urban decoration in our municipalities, but also to strengthen citizens’ civic sense and sense of belonging to the territory. Often among citizens or within associations there are figures capable of carrying out certain jobs and willing to carry out initiatives for their community. The objective of this proposal is to stimulate municipalities and provinces to involve citizens and associations in specific projects capable of redeveloping areas of the territory and recovering or valorising artefacts that local authorities are currently unable to adequately valorise.

I am thinking – underlines Corbetta – of public parks, street furniture, monuments, historical places, rural and wooded areas. During the implementation of these projects, the roadmen will also be sentinels of the territory who will be able to report to the local authority other interventions necessary to guarantee the safety, valorisation and use of common goods. We have the ambitious goal of making the figure of the civic roadman a model to follow for other Italian regions interested in similar redevelopment and territorial protection programs. This initiative represents an important step towards the valorisation of the Lombardy territory, promoting the active participation of citizens and care for their country”.

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