AIA Lamezia Section, four-year period 2020-2024 closed: new Auditors elected and Honorary Presidency awarded to Franco Pisani

AIA Lamezia Section, four-year period 2020-2024 closed: new Auditors elected and Honorary Presidency awarded to Franco Pisani
AIA Lamezia Section, four-year period 2020-2024 closed: new Auditors elected and Honorary Presidency awarded to Franco Pisani

Lamezia Terme – “The 2023-2024 Sports Season, the last one included in the 2020-2024 Olympic four-year period, has ended and for the Lamezia referees too it is time to take stock. There is a need for moments to understand where to improve and what to do better in the next Sports Season, which will certainly be challenging and particular” is what we read in a note.

“Last May 31st – they let it be known – the Lametini referees met in the friendly walls of Via Francesco Ferlaino to discuss the SS just passed and find, as usual, strong areas and areas that need improvement. The members, after having having listened to the reports of the Section President, Gianfranco Pujia, and the President of the Sectional Review Body, Umberto Emanuele, they approved the work of the sports season just concluded and the report for the 2023 financial year. Subsequently, the Lametini whistlers proceeded to elect the new Auditors who will remain in office for the new four-year Olympic period in the persons of Torcasio Luca and Alessandro Petrosino”.

Last but not least – they inform the awarding of the Honorary Presidency to the Meritorious Arbiter Francesco (Franco ed.) Pisani, approved unanimously by the Assembly which, thunderously, congratulated one of the founding members of the Section, recognizing his passion and commitment to the full success of the sectional activities, both from a technical and associative point of view. A happy conclusion to the season, therefore, for the Lametini whistlers who are already looking with keen curiosity at the next events of the 2024-2025 Sports Season”.


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