She chained herself in front of the Sulmona municipal kennel to protest against the ways in which the animals are kept and the delays with which the company in charge is carrying out the works authorized by the Municipality with a spending commitment of 100 thousand euros, for the in order of the structure. After having placed a camera in recent days to monitor what happens during the day in the dog shelter, this morning Daniela Colaberardino requested the intervention of the forestry carabinieri and the Avezzano-Sulmona-L’Aquila ASL, so that they could put the conditions in which the structure is currently located. So we have arrived to the decision that on Friday a joint inspection will be carried out with the Cites carabinieri who had already inspected the kennel last year, as part of the investigation opened by the prosecutor’s office which involves four people, including a veterinarian, for the hypothesis of animal abuse.

Colaberardino while discussing with the ASL vet

“We want to know how the 100 thousand euros were spent and whether a kennel can continue without the fixed presence of a veterinarian”, denounces the animal rights activist, “we asked for access to the documents to verify the project and the modifications but since Municipality tell me that it is not possible for everyone to have access to it, so much so that I had to use my role as founding member of the political movement “We farmers and fishermen”, in order to have a voice in this affair which has been dragging on for five years now. years. The intention of the policy is to privatize the kennels by giving them under management to joint-stock companies, we ask that this does not happen and that, on the contrary, these structures are returned to the associations that have always defended animal rights”. “I say to the Municipality – concludes Colaberardino – that we have proof that the three months of work planned for the renovation of the kennel never started but were used to not give access to the kennel in any form, neither to volunteers nor to people interested in a possible foster care of the animals. Today I will go to the financial police to present a complaint about the contract for the renovation of the kennel so that any violations can be ascertained which, in my opinion, are evident and obvious”.

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