Two people from Villafranco donate blood in Gela for the Fidas twinning

Corrado Marconi and Corrado Melegatti in Gela with the president of Fidas Verona Chiara Donadelli
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From Villafranca to Gela to strengthen a “blood pact” started 31 years ago. About forty Villafranche donors and supporters of Fidas Verona flew to Sicily in recent days for a tour of the island, which culminated with the renewal of the twinning between Fidas Verona and Fidas Gelaboth committed to promoting blood and plasma donation in their respective territories.

The meeting was sealed by a special donationmade by two donors from the Fidas Verona section of Villafranca. Corrado Marconi and Corrado Melegattirespectively president and councilor of the Villafranche section, which has 440 members, donated a bag of blood to the Fidas Gela collection center, in via degli Appennini, a center managed excellently by local volunteers.

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A concrete but also symbolic gesture: «After thirty years I returned to donate to Gela: in 1993 I was 22 years old and I came down with a delegation from the San Camillo Group, led by the provincial president Silvano Salvagno and the Villafranchese president Gianfranco Maraia, to raise people’s awareness of donating ; the invitation had come to us from the then president of Gela, Antonio Granvillano, who had asked us for help to boost their association, founded twenty years after ours; on May 31st, my birthday, I repeated this emotional gesture”, says Marconi. For him, Gela’s was donation number 149; for Melegatti, sitting on the couch in the collection centre, the twentieth.

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The respective provincial presidents were there to thank and congratulate the donors for this beautiful gesture: for Fidas Gela, Enzo Emanuello; for Fidas Verona, Chiara Donadelli. «Despite the thousand kilometers of distance that separates us, there is a great friendship that has always linked our sections – underlines president Donadelli -. In Gela we had a fantastic welcome and we were also received in the city council chamber for a public thank you: we left with the promise to meet again in Verona, on the occasion of one of the many summer events to promote the gift that we have planned ».

Fidas Verona - Villafranchesi in Gela
Fidas Verona – Villafranchesi in Gela

Fidas Verona reminds you that for donate blood and plasma you just need to be in good health, weigh at least 50 kg and be between 18 and 65 years old. The donation can be booked by calling the toll-free number 800.310.611 (landline only), 0442.622867, 339.3607451 (mobile for phone calls/text messages) or by sending an email to [email protected].

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