The Moto Academy arrives in Italy! Back to school in Dorno on August 30th – Sport

At motocross school. Curves, braking, starts and jumps, the menu is rich and is aimed at both novices and more experienced enthusiasts

June 3, 2024

SI know, in life you never stop learning. Going back to school, however, this time will have a completely different flavor. The motocross school most famous in the world finally arrives in Italy.
AJ Catanzaro and the entire entourage of The Moto Academy will hold the event on August 30th in Dorno an MX master class. After being among the top 20 supercross riders in the world for several years, Catanzaro opened this traveling school, through which he tries to teach correct riding technique. His videos on social media are very famous in which he analyzes the driving style of the Lawrence brothers, in particular Jett, and tries to apply it to his students.

From instructor to social phenomenon. Think that often at his courses, as instructors, exceptional guests, can be found
the Lawrence brothers themselves
. Correct position in the saddle, how to tackle curves safely starting from braking and also the right technique to tackle jumps, these are the topics that will be covered during the Italian appointment of The Moto Academy world tour.
The location of Dorno (PV) was strategically chosen as it offers a wide variety of jumps and turns.
The course is suitable for both beginners and who are approaching motocross and who are therefore trying to tackle the discipline with greater confidence, and to those who are already technically more prepared and who is trying to perfect his position in the saddle.

On the track We at will also be there and we can’t wait to see you in Dorno, places are running out, so hurry up and grab the last free slots, it will be an experience from which you will certainly benefit.

The Moto Academy arrives in Italy! In Dorno we go back to school on August 30th

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