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the outcome of the medico-legal consultation

Bologna, 3 June 2024 – Enrico Viggi would have died of coldthe 47-year-old found dead on March 14 in Trecento Scalini park on the hills of Bologna, after weeks of searches and after his brother Fabio had reported his disappearance in early February, launching an appeal on social media and on the program ‘Chi l’ha visto?’.

There medical-legal consultancy entrusted by the Prosecutor’s Office to Dr. Paolo Fais concluded for death due to hypothermia. Despite the positive for antidepressants And alcoholthe report excludes a lethal outcome for intoxicationsince the quantities of substances were not such as to cause death, but would have favored hypothermia.

Three weeks after discovery of the bodyby a passer-by, had been found the jacket of the 47-year-old, thrown among the shrubs in an inaccessible area of ​​the same park. Still in the park, about 300 meters away, on Easter Day it had been the bicycle was also found of Enrico.

According to the autopsy, the death occurred at the same time as the period of disappearance: the stay in a cold environment of a person with inadequate clothing led to death within a few hours. On the corpsein an advanced state of decomposition, there were no traumas. The medical examiner considers it more likely the hypothesis of a suicide of a person with psychiatric problems and with one history of drug addiction. The Prosecutor’s Office (prosecutor Elena Caruso) has a file open against unknown persons and will have to carry out its own assessments. Viggi’s familywho has been asking for the truth about the death since the beginning of the story, is assisted by the lawyer Barbara Iannuccelli.

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