Terni, ResponsibleSteel certification for Ast: «For the benefit of the entire community»

Terni, ResponsibleSteel certification for Ast: «For the benefit of the entire community»
Terni, ResponsibleSteel certification for Ast: «For the benefit of the entire community»

03 Jun 2024 10:49

Significant news for Ast. The company announces that the Terni plant – including the service center and the forging division – has obtained the ‘core site certification’ from the independent auditors Dnv Italia to operate according to the ResponsibleSteel™ standard.

This is “the most prestigious global sustainability certification program for the steel sector and Acciai Speciali Terni SpA is the first Italian steel producer to operate according to this standard”, underline from Viale Brin. «With the core site certification Responsible Steel – the words of Gianluca Gigli, CFO and managing director of Acciai Speciali Terni Spa – the company strengthens its path towards responsible steel production, integrating sustainability into all company processes, in full compliance with ESG criteria. A result of which we are proud and which will accompany the company towards the environmental, economic and social transition with the aim of ensuring long-term value for the benefit of all stakeholders and the territory. The certification process involved many departments of Acciai Speciali Terni and I would like to congratulate them on the result achieved.”

The standard is based on 12 principles with more than 200 requirements that represent the benchmark for responsible steel production. «The checks carried out by the DNV examined countless aspects related to sustainability issues: governance and ethics; health and safety, human and labor rights; climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity; responsible management of resources and other environmental impacts; stakeholder involvement and relations with the local community. Criteria met.

«This first ResponsibleSteel site certification in Italy – comments Annie Heaton, CEO of ResponsibleSteel – represents an important milestone for the steel industry and for the Arvedi Group. Acciai Speciali Terni, producer of Eaf (electric arc furnace) stainless steel, has a strong focus on circularity, aiming to reduce waste as much as possible by increasing the use of recycled scrap, reusing refractories and starting a waste recovery project. The plant has also set an ambitious interim target of reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 60% by 2028 on the way to net zero by 2050. Equally significantly, the plant has demonstrated a clear commitment to the well-being of its workers, as evidenced by its robust governance procedures and health and safety policies.”

Dnv is proud – points out Thomas Van Hareen, global service manager and supply chain & product assurance at Dnv – to «support Arvedi Ast on its path towards responsible steel. This collaboration represents a milestone for both organizations, underlining their mutual dedication to improving trust and transparency in the value chain. Through our collaboration with Arvedi AST, we are committed to assisting them in achieving the highest standards of environmental and social responsibility. Together, we work to create a more sustainable future for the Italian steel industry. We look forward to continuing on this path, having a positive impact on the industry and the community at large.”

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