a regional law is needed • newsrimini.it

a regional law is needed • newsrimini.it
a regional law is needed • newsrimini.it

Short-term rentals: the policies implemented by individual administrations are not enough to stem the phenomenon, but we need to develop one regional law to be presented to the future candidate for the presidency of the Region. The Rimini councilor Juri Magrini supports the proposal already advanced in this sense by the mayor of Bologna Lepore. Even in Rimini, especially in the summer, the explosion of short-term rentals is becoming a problem, with the consequent elimination of apartments to be rented to families, singles and vulnerable individuals. The policies implemented up to now, from the housing pact to the increase in the tourist tax for these realities, are not sufficient, which is why strong and decisive actions need to be adopted at a national and regional level.

“We are in the middle of the summer season, and, in addition to the elements, indeed many positive elements, the now age-old question of the persistent difficulty in reconciling the proliferation of short-term rentals with the pressing demand for accommodation by families cannot be hidden under the carpet. , singles and vulnerable people. A problem that is spreading at a national and global level, and which is particularly felt in areas with a strong tourist and university vocation such as Milan, Florence, Bologna and, given its ‘physiognomy’, also Rimini. This is an open international wound which obviously cannot be healed by focusing onvirtuoso work and the proactive drive of a single administration: a single violin cannot play a complete symphony.

As the Municipality of Rimini, we have been moving for some time to try to rebalance the availability of long-term rentals, but it is superfluous to say that alone, with our individual tools and possibilities for maneuver at our disposal, we cannot go too far, but advance just a few steps. Steps we have taken: on the one hand the path undertaken in synergy with the Emilia-Romagna Region of the Housing Pact with the aim of facilitating the match between apartment owners and aspiring tenants, on the other hand the provision of social contributions for the rent to the most economically fragile families. And again, the increase in the budget of the tourist tax rate for short-term rentals (with a further increase from 4% to 5% of the fee), with an increase in the rate from 0.70-1 to 1 .50 up to 2 euros for overnight stays in accommodation units such as B&Bs, holiday homes or holiday apartments, to name some measures undertaken in recent years.

Here I believe that now in Italy it is necessary to adopt a strong, decisive decision. And on this I agree with the mayor of Bologna, Matteo Lepore, when he says that we need to set up a dedicated working group to thoroughly analyze the issue and develop a regional law – which will act as a national legislative model – to present to the future candidate for the presidency of the Region, to make the issue of housing and rents a pillar of the electoral campaign and subsequently of the administrative and political program of the council that will take office in via Aldo Moro. Addressing the excessive and incorrect use of these short-term rentals must become an absolute priority to preserve social cohesion and equality”.

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