Giorgia Meloni’s furious phone call to Salvini after the attack on the Quirinale: «A great nonsense»

Giorgia Meloni’s furious phone call to Salvini after the attack on the Quirinale: «A great nonsense»
Giorgia Meloni’s furious phone call to Salvini after the attack on the Quirinale: «A great nonsense»

A phone call from Palazzo Chigi immediately after Claudio Borghi’s attack on the Quirinale. In quite decisive tones Giorgia Meloni explained to Matteo Salvini that she either denied it “or I will be forced to disavow you on TV”. Also because, the Prime Minister explained to the League leader, «Asking Mattarella’s resignation in this way is a mistake that does not bring consensus, on the contrary. It was a big mistake.” This is the background to the origin of the Captain’s about-face: “We are not asking for anyone’s resignation.” Meanwhile, confidential polls on the European elections say that Brothers of Italy are more or less on the 26% threshold indicated as the minimum result. And far from the 30% dreamed of. A prospect that could lead to the collapse of his government.

«A big nonsense»

The contact between Salvini and Meloni arrives in mid-afternoon. The threat of denial on TV is not a joke: Meloni has an intervention scheduled for this evening on Rete 4. During her rally in Piazza del Popolo, the prime minister also attacked the European Union precisely on its sovereignty. But without ever calling the Quirinale into question. The phone call contributes to further moving the relations between FdI and Lega, which are not at their historical peak. Also because the Captain has focused heavily on this vote to begin to overturn the balance of power between the two parties. “Republic Day reminds us that we should return to the first idea of ​​Europe, which imagined its strength in the union but also in the specificities of national states”, Meloni had said in the morning. But diplomatic words are one thing, a direct attack on Mattarella is another.

The secret polls on the European elections

However, there is also another reason that fuels the prime minister’s nervousness. The backstory explains it Republic. While Meloni launches the referendum on Europe from Piazza del Popolo, in fact, the confidential polls of these hours leave FdI at a standstill. Indeed, it is even at risk of falling from that threshold of 26% which was considered the minimum result. According to rumors reported by Republic the constituency in which the prime minister’s party is most in difficulty is that of the North-East. It had given great satisfaction to politics, now between Veneto and Emilia-Romagna it could lower the national average. There is also the risk of turnout, expected to decline. Voting from the afternoon of a Saturday in June on the first weekend with schools closed could lead to a flight from the polls. And traditionally the low turnout certainly does not favor the centre-right. This is why now Meloni is no longer so sure of winning these elections.

Quota thirty

Indeed more. If thirty, or 30% of the votes, is far away, some creaks can begin to be heard on the horizon. So much so that Meloni also takes into account a bad result. In that case, a strategy of attrition towards her could also begin. It’s what she fears most. And so here is also the hypothesis of overturning the table. Also because a bad result in the elections would put it in a condition of irrelevance in the negotiations for the next European Commission. And for which you already have the name of a possible commissioner in mind: Elisabetta Belloni. Meanwhile, clouds begin to gather on the horizon. Those coming from the Ministry of Economy headed by Giancarlo Giorgetti are rather alarming. Bank of Italy spoke about the debt risk and the new rules of the Stability Pact which could stop Palazzo Chigi’s initiatives.

Giorgetti’s resignation

And the Minister of Economy himself could soon say goodbye. Giorgetti offered Meloni his availability to work in the new European Commission. A choice that would prepare his exit from via XX Settembre. “Prepare to do without me”, is the quote attributed to the minister. Which suffers from the lack of resources for the prime minister’s politics. And he realizes that he will soon have to enhance his role as guardian of the accounts. And he consequently ends up in the sights of the majority political forces who instead ask to spend more. For this reason, the European way out for Giorgetti would be an honorable retreat. Better than a dishonorable defeat.

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