The Fermi Giorgi laboratory has been closed for two years. Parents: “Tired of not having answers”

The Fermi Giorgi laboratory has been closed for two years. Parents: “Tired of not having answers”
The Fermi Giorgi laboratory has been closed for two years. Parents: “Tired of not having answers”

Fermi Giorni Institute, the chemistry laboratory is still closed and the anger of the families explodes: “We are really tired of not have answerssince this ballet has been going on for two years now.”

“First open, then closed, then open again, then definitively closed at a later date. Because – states the parents’ committee – the problem apparently does not lie in the contingent problem, today a strange smell noticed by some teachers but which after three interventions by the firefighters we could probably ascribe to a bad taste joke perhaps by some prankster student . But at this point they could also be talking about a joke families who don’t see a way out other than to think about asking for a transfer to another institution able to offer what is declared on the beautiful open days when everything seems perfect, functioning and polished”.

“It is in fact a structural problem that the institute has been pursuing for many years without ever being able to find a definitive solution either with this or the previous management. Families are worried because they cannot understand if their children are in fact at risk of physical safety by attending the laboratory (one quarter yes and one no) or they simply run the risk of being dunces at least in chemistry and science”.

“A nice dilemma – continue the parents – even for the board of directors who received a letter from the families of the institute who see a state of general abandonment of the institute by the responsible body, there Province who just can’t find the funds for the Fermi, nor for the bathrooms which have been unusable for almost a year, nor for the laboratories, nor for the gym inadequate for a sports high school or for the Giorgi institute which has been transferred temporarily, now for almost 5 years in Saltocchio, in a building of the curia which costs the school quite a few economic resources”.

“In short, a total short circuit, the result of a total state of abandonment in which even the manager cannot help but take note of the unwillingness to take care of the largest institute in Tuscany which welcomes 2600 students. One must ask oneself why the funds are found to do so many things, beautiful projects but to be honest, not very useful at this moment, given that the basic conditions on which the educational pact of co-responsibility between school and school is based are lacking. family, and are not instead found to guarantee the safety and education of students, which would ultimately be the only real task of the school, to keep children safe and train them adequately based on the declared educational offer, a pact that came less and which now seems more and more like a mirage” concludes the committee.

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