On June 2, 1946, women in Italy voted for the first time. From the prefect of Asti, Claudio Ventrice, the praise of the Constitution and the quote from the film by Paola Cortellesi [FOTO E VIDEO]

Asti present!

The celebratory ceremony of the 78th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic, in Piazza San Secondo, This year too saw an important and participatory moment with the highest authorities of the province and various components of Asti society.

The prefect’s speech

After the solemn moment of the flag raising, accompanied by the notes of the national anthem and all the rites, the prefect of Asti Claudio Ventrice In his short speech, he wanted to recall the importance of the date, celebrating the moment that allowed women to fully enter society.

In fact, on 2 June 1946 women voted for the first time and the prefect also wanted to remember the film by Paola Cortellesi “There is still tomorrow”, which was able to remember the arrival at that moment.

“Women – said Ventrice – they have reached top roles that were unthinkable until a few decades ago.”

A heartfelt speech that embraced the Constitution”Our founding fathers have given us a document capable of overcoming interference from all political parties”, to the young people “ There are many in this square. They have the task of defending the essence of a free and democratic state.” and quotes article 3 of the Constitution: “All citizens have equal social dignity.”

I am proud to be an Italian citizen – Ventrice reiterated – and government representative in this Province. I have great admiration for the founding fathers who transmitted to us principles of absolute value.”

The prefect recalled Mattarella’s recent visit “the highest guardian of the Constitution”which he recalled in Asti Giovanni Goria on the 30th anniversary of his passing. “Goria – he recalled – ahe stated that the task of democracy is not to establish where we go, but how we go. In respect without oppression.”

He recalled the role of the Prefecture with the mayors of the area also for the Pnrr: “We arrived in Asti a year before the government set up a control room”, and warmly thanked all the employees of the Prefecture.

President Mattarella

Following this, the Prefect read the traditional greeting message from the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella.


Celebrating the seventy-eight years of the birth of the Italian Republic recalls the values ​​of our identity and of a far-sighted and wise Constitution, the fruit of the extraordinary rebirth that began with the Liberation struggle. Independence and freedom are achievements that must be defended every day, in communion of intent and with the ability to cooperate for the common good. The Fathers of the Fatherland were aware of the risks and limits of closure in national contexts and dreamed of an Italy open to Europe, close to the peoples who were fighting for their freedoms everywhere in the world. Our contribution – and within it the Armed Forces – to the cause of international peace and stability is more precious than ever in today’s situation characterized by devastation and aggression against civilian populations in Europe and the Middle East. The Republic is grateful to the women and men of the Armed Forces for the tasks carried out in the demanding operational theaters where they are called to operate, within the framework of the United Nations missions, those resulting from the solidarity between the countries of the Atlantic Alliance, the decisions to which we participated within the European Union. The guarantee of civil coexistence, the development and pursuit of international justice know that they can count on the security framework offered by the Armed Forces. In remembering those who lost their lives in defense of the values ​​of our community, I turn my deferential thoughts to the fallen who contributed to making Italy a united country and a free and democratic nation. On this day of celebration, may all members of the Armed Forces receive the appreciation of the Italian people for their service and their warmest wishes. Long live the Republic, long live the Armed Forces”.

Students… For women

Some students brought readings by women to underline the other strong meaning of the Day.

They read Kaoutar Bourzik representative of the Alfieri institute, Matteo Gianottistudent council member, Emanuele Giacomini, president of the Council e Paolo De Stefanis, while some school children marched at the beginning of the ceremony. Present were the “Giuseppe Cotti” City Band of Asti, the marathon runners “Ambassadors for Sport of the City of Asti”.

The Seven Knights of the Republic

Afterwards, the prefect presented the Order’s Honors “To the Merit of the Italian Republic”awarded by the President of the Republic to seven citizens who have distinguished themselves both in the institutions and in the social field: Maggiorino Barbero, Silvana Bertolotti, Manuela Cognazzo, Paolo Lando, Paolo Mastrocola, Lara Maria Quattrone and Marco Scaglione.


The celebratory day will end with the flag lowering ceremony, scheduled for 5.45pm.

Also present drug-sniffing dogs of the Penitentiary Police who held a demonstration.

Attached are the profiles of the honorees, information on the standard-bearer and the students involved.

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