Republic Day in Piazza Brin, in the Prefect’s speech the themes of the integration of foreign workers, rampant drugs and criminal infiltration

Republic Day in Piazza Brin, in the Prefect’s speech the themes of the integration of foreign workers, rampant drugs and criminal infiltration
Republic Day in Piazza Brin, in the Prefect’s speech the themes of the integration of foreign workers, rampant drugs and criminal infiltration

Celebrated this morning in La Spezia 78th Republic Day, in the presence of the Prefect Maria Luisa Inversini and the highest civil, military and religious authorities of the province. The ceremony, organized this year in the new Piazza Brin, saw the participation of the highest civil, military and religious authorities of the province and began with the usual reading of the message sent by the President of the Republic to the Prefects, to which the Head of State he expressed his thanks for the “precious work in favor of the country’s unity and its cohesion”. Following this, the Prefect gave his speech, during which he invited citizens to “strengthen their pride in being Italian”, renewing “the commitment to defend the values ​​of freedom, political, economic and social solidarity on which our democracy is founded to build a better future.” On this occasion, ten awards “to the Merit of the Italian Republic” were awarded. The ceremony concluded with the unfurling of the Tricolor along the bell tower of the church by the Fire Brigade. Finally, the guys from “Luna Blu” offered a small refreshment to those in attendance.

The prefect of La Spezia thanked President Mattarella and gave his speech, first of all explaining the choice of a square which, as the heart of the Umbertino district, represents the past, present and future of the city. “Looking at the past – said Inversini -, as you have taught me, the Umbertino neighborhood was built at the end of the 19th century to provide accommodation for around 1000 families of workers, who had found employment in the military arsenal built a few decades earlier. The neighborhood was designed with a highly modern urban design, which included workers’ homes next to those of managers to strengthen the sense of belonging to the community itself. Spezia’s present is particularly happy and full of prospects, thanks also to the opening of the Arsenale, which in the past allowed the establishment of large industries in the defense sector. The “Navy – civil nautical” union in terms of research, technology and synergies has favored the development of the so-called “Blue Mile” shipyards, which constitute a worldwide excellence for large pleasure boating. There are also important relaunch projects for the Arsenale. But the future of the sea is in its depths. Spezia had the honor of being chosen as the location for the Diving Centre, a challenge that the local community will certainly not miss. Tourism is booming and the port, despite the complexity of the international scenario, also shows signs of recovery”.

The Prefect continues: “But the present is also made up of contradictions and critical issues, symbolically embodied by this square, which must be faced and overcome all together in the near future. The process of integrating foreign workers, whose presence is indispensable and not only for large construction sites, is still too slow and not without difficulties, including housing. Living conditions, especially for subcontracting workers, are not always sufficiently dignified and there are still too many accidents at work, even in this province. There will be six deaths in 2023 alone. There is widespread discomfort among young people, to which we as institutions have so far not been able to provide adequate responses. Discomfort that too often leads to alcohol and drug abuse. Let me tell you: the high demand for drugs favors micro-dealing which the territorial police forces and local police are committed to combating every day, but which is fueled by this growing and dangerous demand. I take this opportunity to thank all the men and women in uniform for their daily and sometimes hidden commitment. The first signs of infiltration of forms of organized crime in this province, which until now has always had the antibodies necessary to reject it. The territory must be protected from the risk of unsustainable tourism, also due to its fragility. Councilor Giampedrone, the Civil Protection and the Fire Brigade know something about it, always on the front line in front of small and large emergencies. As always, the Mayors are on the front line, from those of small to large municipalities, the cornerstones of a constitutional architecture based on the principle of subsidiarity and the primary guarantors of social cohesion”.

A passage on local political current affairs but also on the reflections of a Europe about to vote in a particularly difficult moment resulting from the wars and unrest spread throughout the world: “Liguria is going through a particularly difficult moment on an institutional political level. In a week we will vote for the European elections, which will have to define the role that Europe will play on the international stage. Two bloody wars are underway on Europe’s doorstep and across the world there are a series of low-intensity conflicts that are too often forgotten. Even the Navy, the pride of Italy and above all of La Spezia, is engaged in the Red Sea in an international undertaking to defend free commercial exchange threatened by terrorism. In this very complicated context, I ask you, each of you, to strengthen the pride of being Italian and to once again renew the commitment to defend the values ​​of freedom, political, economic and social solidarity on which our democracy is based to build a better future for this square, for this city, for this country, for this Europe. The citizens and, for the first time, the townspeople who went to vote on 2 June 1946 chose the Republic as the form of the new State, born from the ashes of the Second World War. This choice was followed by active participation on the part of everyone to build the democracy whose benefits we enjoy today.”

The comment is a warning and a necessary moment of reflection: “We must enter into the spirit of 2 June 1946 to find the determination with which to build our future. Only the Constitution, now as then, indicates the main road and for this reason I invite the guys from ISA 1 and Luna Blu to read some fundamental articles. But before giving the floor to the boys, I ask everyone for a moment of silence in memory of Saida, killed by her husband in Riccò del Golfo a few days ago, and of Alessandra, who died at the hands of her partner 3 years ago in Castelnuovo Magra. Long live the Republic, long live the Tricolore, long live Italy”.

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