“We must work so that this Republic of ours moves forward and young people protect its values”

by Ambra Drago
Celebratory events took place in Palermo on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic. The ceremony began at the monument representing freedom, depicting the “Winged Victory”, located in Piazza Vittorio Veneto. Prefect Massimo Mariani accompanied by the Military Commander of the Army in Sicily, Gen. D. Maurizio Angelo Scardino, reviewed the joint forces deployment, then proceeded with the raising of the flag and the subsequent laying of a laurel wreath. As usual he then read the message from the President of the Republic, sent to the Prefects, as usual, on the occasion of the anniversary. The ceremony continued in the evocative setting of the Politeama-Garibaldi theatre, with the performance of the Fanfare of the XII Carabinieri Regiment, which introduced the presentation of the honours. “The President of the Republic reminds us of the importance of memory and obviously the first users are the kids who, among other things, are in this Theater. This day has a high meaning for us and for the young people. On this occasion we remembered all those who gave their lives for the country the need to work so that this Republic of ours can move forward to protect its values”. All the high military and civil officials took part in the award ceremony. Among these, Mayor Lagalla who underlined: “The democratic choice of the Republic after the twenty years of Nazi-fascism must be protected. A new book of democracy and the national community and it is clear that it must be remembered every year to protect us from wars and that freedom is a good ephemeral that can be lost if it is not protected. And the prefect’s idea of ​​involving the communities in education is a fundamental reference to the value of training, education in the process of growth and democratic maturation of our country”.

The ceremony was divided into the awarding of the honors of the “Order of Merit of the Italian Republic” awarded for merits acquired towards the Nation in the fields of letters, arts, economics and in the disengagement from public offices and activities carried out for social purposes , philanthropic and humanitarian, as well as for long and notable services in civil and military careers. During the ceremony, Mr. Giuseppe Costanza was awarded the honor of Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic. The only survivor of the Capaci attack on 23 May 1992, he was the driver and trusted man of judge Giovanni Falcone. Today he is constantly committed to keeping alive the memory of men of the state who sacrificed their lives in the fight against the mafia. Two awards of “Victim of terrorism” to the Gold Medal in memory of the Selected Agent of the State Police, Antonio Montinaro, escort leader of Judge Giovanni Falcone, who died in the Capaci massacre of 23 May 1992.


And the Gold Medal to the 1st Corporal Major of the Italian Army, Giuseppe D’Anna, recognized as a Victim of Terrorism having been seriously injured during a mission in Afghanistan, on 8 August 2012, due to an explosion caused by an explosive device it involved the vehicle on which the recipient carried out motor patrol activities near BALA BOLUK, FARAH Province, Afghanistan.Finally, a Gold Medal for Civil Merit was awarded in memory of Mr. Rosario Fabio Oddo who “Following a large fire that broke out in the apartment where he was sleeping with his family, after having led the wife who was 6 months pregnant, returned to the house to save her 5 year old son. Having noticed the impossibility of climbing the stairs now invaded by flames, he wrapped the child in a blanket and, shielding him with his own body, threw himself from a window on the second floor and pulled him to safety, losing his life. A very clear example of courage and devotion parental, led to the extreme sacrifice.”


As part of the event, awards were also given to the schools that participated in the “Freedom of the press and culture of legality” competition, organized by the Prefecture of Palermo, in collaboration with the Regional School Office – Sicily, the Order of Journalists of Sicily and the Sicilian Press Association.

The initiative aims to raise awareness of the work of the journalist and the importance of freedom of the press, an indispensable value of the democratic system, in the fight against organized crime and the diffusion of the culture of legality.

Among the awarded schools is the Liceo Classico Statale “Umberto I” of Palermo, 1st place for the short film “Eroizzate”, dedicated to the memory of the officer Giuseppe D’Antoni and the Guardia di Finanza’s Guard Sebastiano Rapisarda. The State Educational Directorate II Circolo “Gianni Rodàri” of Villabate, 2nd place for the short film entitled “TG della memoria”. dedicated to the memory of Marshal of the State Police Lenin Mancuso.

The “Sperone Pertini” State Comprehensive Institute of Palermo, 3rd place for the short film entitled “Lillo, a policeman for everyone”, dedicated to the memory of the State Police Agent Calogero Zucchetto.

The Commission has, first of all, decided to assign 3 special awards, in consideration of the particular characteristics of the work and the originality with which the students interpreted the initiative. The “Mantegna – Bonanno” State Comprehensive Institute of Palermo, awarded for the short film entitled: “Mario and Salvatore, two heroes not to be forgotten”, dedicated to the memory of Marshal Mario Trapassi and Officer Salvatore Bartolotta of the Carabinieri. The “Maria Adelaide” State Boarding School of Palermo, awarded for the article entitled: “Savoca Giuseppe + 44. The thorny investigation of the Carabinieri Marshal Vito Ievolella”, dedicated to the memory of the Carabinieri Major Marshal Vito Ievolella. The “Vittorio Emanuele II” state classical high school of Palermo, awarded for the creation of the short film entitled: “That tragic morning of 11 January 1979”, dedicated to the memory of the Deputy Brigadier of the State Police Filadelfio Aparo.


The ceremony was embellished by the musical contribution of the “Antonio Scarlatti” Conservatory of Palermo with the AriaArcus Ensemble and by the artistic performance of the students of the Liceo Choreutico of the “Regina Margherita” State Teachers’ Institute of Palermo, curated by Professor Sonia Moltisanti, who are performed in a choreography entitled “We are Italy 2.0”.

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