Brothers of Italy militant attacked in a service station, Lollobrigida: “Political intolerance is worrying”

Brothers of Italy militant attacked in a service station, Lollobrigida: “Political intolerance is worrying”
Brothers of Italy militant attacked in a service station, Lollobrigida: “Political intolerance is worrying”

“Once again we are witnessing very worrying phenomena of political intolerance, aimed at preventing, with violence, the right to express one’s thoughts and one’s political belonging”. Thus the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida returns to criticize the attack suffered yesterday by a militant of the Brothers of Italy returning from Giorgia Meloni’s demonstration in Piazza del Popolo, punched in the head and face “by left-wing extremists motorway restaurant in Montepulciano, for the sole fault of wearing a Fratelli d’Italia t-shirt – states Lollobrigida – I express my total sympathy and I hope that full light will be shed on what happened”.

Yesterday, after the news of the attack, the entire party rallied around the militant. “Solidarity with the young Federico, cowardly attacked with kicks and punches by left-wing extremists at the Montepulciano est motorway service station. He was returning from the joyful demonstration in Piazza del Popolo for Fratelli d’Italia. It seems the attackers have been stopped and identified” writes on social media the FdI organization manager, Giovanni Donzelli. This is echoed by the group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber of Deputies, Tommaso Foti, underlining how “the group of Brothers of Italy in the Chamber of Deputies firmly condemns the attack on the militant from the province of Bologna which occurred in a service station while he was returning from the demonstration in Rome. Our total solidarity goes to him and we hope that full light will be shed on the incident by the competent bodies. It is unacceptable that there are still moments of political intolerance that lead to acts of unspeakable physical violence Fratelli Italia will not be intimidated and we invite all political forces, from the secretary of the PD Schlein to the leader of the M5S Conte, to condemn this deplorable fact without hesitation.”

Stefano Cavedagna, national spokesperson for the Fratelli d’Italia Youth, expresses “maximum solidarity with Federico, a boy from our FdI youth movement, who was ferociously attacked in a motorway service station in Montepulciano on his way back from Giorgia Meloni’s demonstration in Rome. This is tolerance that some left-wing extremists demonstrate towards those who do not think like them. We expect firm condemnation from the representatives of the center left.”

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