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The Weather in Sicily, sun and clouds with heat and possible rain – THE FORECAST – BlogSicilia

The Weather in Sicily, sun and clouds with heat and possible rain – THE FORECAST – BlogSicilia
The Weather in Sicily, sun and clouds with heat and possible rain – THE FORECAST – BlogSicilia

Warm with sun and clouds and possible rain in the central-eastern quadrant of Sicily. So the weather forecast for Sunday 2 June.

Other pressure remains but clouds are expected during the afternoon. Specifically, on the Tyrrhenian coast and inland areas, mostly partly cloudy or partly cloudy skies, except for greater variability in the central hours of the day; on the Ionian coast scattered clouds alternating with sunny spells throughout the day with a tendency to clearing in the evening; on the southern coast mostly clear or slightly cloudy skies for the entire day; on the Apennines skies initially slightly or partially cloudy but with increasing cloud cover starting from the afternoon.

Moderate winds from the north-eastern quadrants rotating to the north-western quadrants. Lower Tyrrhenian Sea from almost calm to rough; Channel and rough Sicilian Sea.


Temperatures in Sicily are still stable although with peaks of 33 degrees and therefore higher than the average for the period. 33 degrees are expected in Agrigento, 31 in Caltanissetta, 27 in Catania, 27 in Enna, 27 in Messina, 27 in Palermo, 28 in Ragusa, 29 in Syracuse, 26 in Trapani.

In the rest of Italy

North. The pressure decreases again on our regions therefore the day will be characterized by a morning that will pass with the prevailing sun, while in the afternoon the instability, often thunderstorms, will flare up on the Apennines, Emilia and Alpine and pre-Alpine sectors, occasionally also on some areas of the Po Valley. Climate at times warm. Light winds.

Center and Sardinia. The pressure is not very strong, but despite this the day will pass with mostly dry weather. The sky will be very cloudy at times. No major rainfall is expected other than some, irregular and in the afternoon from the Lazio, Abruzzo and Molise mountains towards the Abruzzo coasts. Light southerly winds. Warmer climate in Tuscany and Sardinia.

South and Sicily. The pressure is decreasing so today we will spend a morning with often overcast skies in Sicily and Calabria and very cloudy elsewhere. During the afternoon, rather irregular but occasionally thunderstorms will arrive on the mountains and in Puglia. Weak winds from variable directions, hot climate, even summer in Sicily and Puglia.

Monday 3 June

High pressure in Sicily with stable and sunny weather everywhere despite the presence of residual clouds. Specifically, on the Tyrrhenian coast, very cloudy or overcast skies with partial openings during the second part of the day; on the Ionian coast, the southern coast and inland areas, mostly clear or slightly cloudy skies for the entire day; on the Apennines initially very cloudy or overcast skies but with large and quick clearings from late morning. In the evening clouds will increase again. Weak northerly winds easing; Thermal zero around 4050 meters. Lower Tyrrhenian Sea from almost calm to slightly rough; Channel and rough Sicilian Sea.

North. The day will see often unstable weather conditions in the eastern sectors, with frequent opportunities for rain and thunderstorms especially in the Alpine and pre-Alpine sectors. During the afternoon, the stormy instability could also reach the plain areas of Veneto and Emilia Romagna, with phenomena that are at times intense. A little unstable in the Northwest, but only in the Alps, but sunny elsewhere.

Center and Sardinia. A disturbance passes through the central regions today; from the morning we will have heavy rainfall, including thunderstorms, along the entire Adriatic coast. During the afternoon hours the showers could also affect the internal areas of Tuscany and Lazio; a little unstable also in Umbria. On Sardinia, however, all sun and still pleasant climate.

South and Sicily. Weak pressure. From the first light of day, thunderstorms could affect a large part of Puglia, with even intense and long-lasting phenomena; after half the day, rapid showers will also reach the mountainous sectors of Calabria, while the good weather will persist in the rest of the sectors. Sustained winds from the northern quadrants, seas not very rough, only the Ionian Sea locally rough.

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