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Sampdoria, Modena moves for Giovanni Invernizzi

Sampdoria must register Modena’s interest in Giovanni Invernizzi, to lead the Sampdoria Academy.

The Modenaafter choosing Andrea Catellani as the new DS, he is looking to find a suitable manager for the role of Youth Sector Manager. According to what was reported in Modena by, John You winterat the helm of the Blucerchiata Academy, would be the first choice of the Emilians.

If Sampdoria has set its sights on Davide Vaira, former sporting director of the Emilian club, Modena has set its sights on Invernizzi, we will see how the issue between the two teams will evolve and what the final choice of the head of the Sampdoria academy will be.

Sampdoria, it’s not just Invernizzi at stake with Modena

Sampdoria, Modena moves for Giovanni Invernizzi. The indiscretion

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It is difficult to think of his possible departure from Sampdoriabut from Modena they seem very convinced of the choice and interest in Giovanni. A final decision should be made in the next few days but according to the latest rumors Invernizzi has no intention of leaving the Sampdoria.

Wanting to continue the growth path of the Sampdoria club with perhaps the training of several players who can also be important for the first team as has already happened in the past.

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