Beaches are increasingly expensive, even for dogs. In Sicily free beaches at risk

Beaches are increasingly expensive, even for dogs. In Sicily free beaches at risk
Beaches are increasingly expensive, even for dogs. In Sicily free beaches at risk

Messina – The latest dossier from consumer groups warns: Italian equipped beaches are increasing further, in 2024 they will cost on average 5.2% compared to 2023, reports Federconsumatori. The good news is that this year too Sicily is confirmed as cheaper than the rest of the country. The bad news comes for animal lovers who opt for dog holidays, of which there are more and more.

Woof beaches

Because among the largest increases is that of the additional service for the 4-legged friend. In fact, compared to 2023, the monitoring carried out with the Isscon Foundation reports, the dog area has increased by 14% more (national average).


In Sicily the report monitors Catania, Palermo and Trapani and from these beaches comes confirmation that the island still has competitive prices for establishments and services. Here too, however, increases have been reported. “Already last year – recalls the president of Federconsumatori Sicilia, Alfio The Rose – we were worried about rising prices. This year we can only be even more worried.”

In Catania, sunbeds and umbrellas cost 27 euros for a day, 25.5 in Palermo. The monthly pass in Catania is 385 euros, 398 in Palermo.

SOS free beaches

In Sicily, explains Federconsumatori Sicilia, all the concessions already in place last year have been extended to 31 December and over 6 thousand requests for new concessions for tourist facilities on the beaches are pending at the regional Maritime State Property Office. “We strongly fear that as a counterbalance to the paid beach, which costs more and more, there will be fewer and fewer free beaches for Sicilian families. It would be very serious, because it is true that Sicily is a region with a very strong tourist vocation, but it is also true that it is inhabited by 5 million Sicilians who have the right to go to the seaside without spending a fortune”, concludes Rosa

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