Gaddi (M5S) in solidarity with Medici attacks the Democratic Party, Righi and Bellelli and is moving towards self-expulsion from the Current Affairs Movement

Gaddi (M5S) in solidarity with Medici attacks the Democratic Party, Righi and Bellelli and is moving towards self-expulsion from the Current Affairs Movement
Gaddi (M5S) in solidarity with Medici attacks the Democratic Party, Righi and Bellelli and is moving towards self-expulsion from the Current Affairs Movement

“It was with great regret that I learned of the warning from the president of Aimag, Mrs. Ruggiero, towards her colleague and candidate for mayor Monica Medici for the Movimento Civico per Carpi and Carpi Futura lists”. Thus begins a long statement in which Eros Andrea Gaddiwho signs himself Group Leader and Municipal Councillor, spokesperson for the 5 Star Movement Carpi, spokesperson for the 5 Star Movement Terre d’Argine, expresses his solidarity with his former party colleague (Medici, unlike him, has left the 5 Star group in the Council) , taking the opportunity to reiterate all his battles against the current governance of Aimag, the tormented events that produced it, the choices of the mayor Alberto Bellelli in which also involves the current mayoral candidate of the center left, Riccardo Righi, the idiosyncrasy towards the Democratic Party whose arrogance he underlines. “Inappropriate” defines the warning for the disparity in weight between a multi-utility and a simple candidate on a civic list. And he notes a continuity of line between the President of Aimag and the mayor Bellelli who had also issued a warning in the past Monica Medici. He considers all this an “intimidation to silence the truth”, which is that contained in Hera’s plan to reserve the appointment of the general director and subsequently the sole director, until it acquires significant shares of the company: a plan, Gaddi claims, which is taking shape, weakening the public sector. follows

The warning seems to Gaddi to be an intimidation, moreover a few days before the vote, perhaps dictated by Medici’s request to Righi to eliminate the current Board of Directors and for this reason he would have expected a position of solidarity on the part of the other candidates for mayor and above all, he says, “by those who should become mayor”. Gaddi then takes it out on the provincial and regional leaders of his own party, supporting the PD candidate in Soliera with a flirtatious list, submitting to the PD of Solomita and Bellelli, supporters of “unholy choices” on Aimag, in line with the agreement with the Democratic Party that they would have wanted and which was instead at the origin of Medici’s resignation from the council group. It’s a perspective, that of the agreement with the Democratic Party, which Gaddi doesn’t like at all, as it is the same party “… with which I and my colleague Medici, and the same coordinators in the past, have “fought” to improve Carpi and Terre d’Argine, but who has always shown himself to be like the Marquis del Grillo”. On the way forward, Gaddi also starts attacking the idea of ​​the new hospital, when above all doctors and nurses would be needed, and the overbuilding of an area which the provincial and regional coordinators of the M5S do not know at all, because otherwise they would not insist so much on the agreement with the Democratic Party and would be in solidarity with Medici for the intimidation received.

With this statement which, taking inspiration from the warning episode, summarizes five years of his and Monica Medici’s opposition to the current majority and takes aim at the leaders of the M5S, it seems that Gaddi has chosen to be expelled from the Movement which in almost the entire region supports the centre-left lists. Furthermore, you have never made any secret of the vote you will give to Medici, after she has chosen to leave, inviting all the Five Star Movement members to do the same.

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