Daniele Solinas of Sieni Sassari is Italian Judo champion

Daniele Solinas is Italian champion of Judo Beginners B, A2

Last weekend, al Geopalace of Olbiait took place national final of the Italian championship Judoclass Beginners B /A2 from the Fijlkamreserved exclusively for male and female athletes under 15 who have qualified during the season in the various regional phases.

Among the participants in the prestigious national Judo final, Daniele Solinas of the Guido Sieni Sports Center of Sassari obtained a result of absolute prestige, winning 5 races and conquering the gold medal in the 42kg category. The young Italian Judo champion, despite his 13 years of age, is a very mature boy.

“I am ready to face this final trained a lot and I did a job of preparation that has been going on for years“, says the young athlete. “To be ready for such an important race you have to give your best in every training session and have the desire to go furtherin every training session.”

The awareness of being able to win.

“I didn’t have it sensation that I would win when the competition started. Although I was there, of course, for aim for the maximum and to give everything, as if I had nothing to lose. Every meeting was very difficult – says Solinas -. I realized that I could only truly win when you are unlocked the result in the final. A world opened up to me there. Although the opponent was very strong, I saw the result right there, at your fingertips“.

The emotion of being Italian champion.

“The fact that the final took place in Sardinia was fundamental, especially for the fans, because the support from your audience can change the route of a race – says Daniele -. And then it was a lot less tiring the fact of not having to cross the Tyrrhenian Sea to be able to compete. The trips are very tiring and affect the performance at the national finals. We Sardinians, for this reason, we always start from a step lower than the others. This time, however, it was much less tiring and much more beautiful. After the victory I had a moment of great happiness. I immediately thought of my family, my coaches and my grandparents, who cared, perhaps, more than me. I will remember forever the moment I have won the final and the awards ceremony. It was wonderful to be awarded with the whole audience supporting and applauding me, one very strong emotion“.

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