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VIDEO | Conclusion of the Marian Month in Crotone: The great sowing of faith at the feet of the Madonna of Capo Colonna

VIDEO | Conclusion of the Marian Month in Crotone: The great sowing of faith at the feet of the Madonna of Capo Colonna
VIDEO | Conclusion of the Marian Month in Crotone: The great sowing of faith at the feet of the Madonna of Capo Colonna

The Marian Month in Crotone ended with great participation, a period of profound devotion and reflection which coincided with the start of the patronal feast of the Madonna di Capocolonna. This year, due to the restoration work underway in the Cathedral Basilica, the celebrations took place in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, a new venue which was welcomed with great openness and a spirit of participation by the people of Crotone.

The words of Mons. Angelo Raffaele Panzetta, Bishop of Crotone-Santa Severina, guided the faithful along this path of faith. “This Marian month is like a great sowing”, said Monsignor Panzetta, “an opportunity to nourish our faith and make it grow together as a community”. An image full of meaning that invites us to reflect on the profound meaning of this period of prayer and spiritual renewal.

Numerous people took part in the various initiatives organised, including the Eucharistic liturgies, the sacrament of reconciliation and moments of reflection on the Holy Scriptures. Monsignor Panzetta underlined the importance of this spiritual itinerary, inviting the faithful to strengthen their bond with God and with others.

The conclusion of the Marian Month, with the greeting to the venerated Effigy of the Madonna of Capocolonna, was experienced by the faithful with great emotion and devotion. A moment of reflection and renewed commitment to faith, which will translate into a concrete commitment in daily life.

Despite the change of location, the people of Crotone demonstrated their deep faith in the Madonna of Capocolonna and their strong cohesion as a community. A profound sign that invites us to look to the future with hope and which represents an important point of reference in the city’s journey of faith.

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