Monza, new proposal for the skate park: the best time (maybe) in via Staurenghi

Monza, new proposal for the skate park: the best time (maybe) in via Staurenghi
Monza, new proposal for the skate park: the best time (maybe) in via Staurenghi

AND the municipal green area Between Staurenghi and Maur streetsthe last space identified by the council to build the skatepark: The kids who have been calling for the creation of the system for years like it, it is easily reachable and sufficiently far from homes. Before drafting the project administration However, he will have to overcome an obstacle: will have to acquire the segment of approximately 300 square meters owned by a private individual necessary to equip the park with tracks and platforms.

Monza, new proposal for the skate park: the Municipality must acquire a piece of land from a private individual

The operation may not be at all simple, as the urban planning councilor explained to the city council Marco Lamperti requested by the Democrat Stefano Toselli: the offices, he said, struggled a lot to identify the owner as he was not Italian.

«Now – he added – we will propose a non-onerous transfer» of the long-abandoned land. Lamperti therefore rejected the criticisms of Paolo Piffer of Civicamente according to which the council has not made any progress for months.

Monza, new proposal for the skate park: why Via Staurenghi is popular compared to other proposals

The area of ​​via Staurenghispecified the sports councilor Viviana Guidetti, she is the first of the group indicated by the boys who as possible alternatives have suggested a space between the Mapelli institute and the Esselunga in viale Libertà and the one near the center in via Rosmini, already identified by the previous council and excluded by the current one because, due to the buffer zones imposed by the passage of two methane pipelines, the skatepark could occupy 800 square meters, just over half of 1,500 desired by teenagers.
Furthermore, it would be difficult to reach as it is decentralized: «Via Staurenghi – the councilor recalled – it is close to some high schools» as well as being in a well-connected area.

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