“Epochal turning point for our port”

The port ‘revolution’ announced by the president of the Marche Region, Francesco Acquaroli, and the mayor of Ancona Daniele Silvetti. All linked to a post, cryptic for now, published simultaneously by the two yesterday afternoon: “In a few days we will announce very important projects for the port – the two members of the so-called ‘right-wing institutional supply chain’ wrote on the post in support of a photo taken again yesterday from the terrace of the Amarcord restaurant overlooking the Old Port – Right from the start we want to thank the president of the Port Authority, Vincenzo Garofalo, and Giacomo Bugaro (member of the municipality of Ancona within the Port Management Committee, ed. ) who with their commitment have been decisive for what will be an epochal turning point.

We are therefore waiting for the presentation of this relaunch plan which, according to what we have been able to reconstruct, will concern some very specific points. At the center is the act of direction on the former Tubimar area, affected by a terrible fire in September 2020 and now close to the demolition of the incinerated warehouses, approved the day before yesterday at the Management Committee. The functional reorganization of the real estate complex in via Mattei has been defined. The aim is to plan the intended use of the pavilions on the basis of the needs expressed by port operators and the development forecasts of some production sectors such as shipbuilding and luxury yachting.

Among the new features, however, there are two strategic points. Going into detail, this is the green light for the movement of some ferries, or rather of the docks for their moorings, from the Old Port to docks 19 (where today the Ocean Viking ship of the French NGO Sos Mediterranèe will dock with 67 shipwrecked people on board), 20 and 21. The procedural phase of the plan started in 2020 when all the institutions had other leaderships and majorities, but now it enters the decisive phase. Moving at least a couple of ferries to that area would mean allowing the population living in the neighborhoods close to the port, oppressed by the fumes from the ships, to breathe. It will also be necessary to set up pontoons to allow docking. The other important news will certainly be the announcement of the definitive solution for the construction of quay 27, a decisive piece in creating the famous Marche quay (or long quay), the mother of all port works, which has been stopped for ten years due to of judicial disputes related to procurement. A fundamental work also in light of the start of the ‘Peninsula’ project connected precisely to dock 27 and the breakwater: “In a few months we have turned the port of Ancona upside down and we will soon announce the big news. It will be possible to activate works that have remained blocked for years if not decades” Giacomo Bugaro tells Carlino. Changes are probably also expected on the Molo Clementino front for large cruise ships.


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