Disabled man dies two months after minibus accident – L’Aquila

Disabled man dies two months after minibus accident – L’Aquila
Disabled man dies two months after minibus accident – L’Aquila

THE EAGLE. He dies in hospital two months after the accident. This is a 47-year-old from Ateleta, one of the four disabled people who last March 28 were traveling on board the Anffas minibus from Castel di Sangro which went off the road on the Marsicana state road 83. The man died in the San Salvatore hospital in L’Aquila where he was hospitalized, with a reserved prognosis, in the intensive care unit.

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Checks on the driver’s mobile phone
CASTEL DI SANGRO. The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Sulmona has ordered an assessment of the phone of the driver of the Anffas bus from Castel di Sangro which went out on March 28th…

The Sulmona public prosecutor’s office had opened an investigation into the matter and in the next few hours will proceed to aggravate the charge for the driver of the minibus, from injuries to vehicular homicide. An autopsy will also be carried out to clarify whether or not the death was due to the consequences of the accident.

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Bus with disabled people off-road: 6 injured
The most serious passenger was transferred to Sulmona hospital with a reserved prognosis. The causes of the accident are being investigated

It was 5pm on March 28th when the group, after having celebrated in the Castel di Sangro headquarters which the association opened several years ago, was returning home by minibus. On the Marsicana state road 83, between Alfedena and Villa Scontrone, the minibus went off the road and then overturned on the lawn. Help was immediately provided by passing motorists. One of the injured had been pulled from the wreckage by firefighters, while all the injured were transported to hospital by ambulance. Two operators were also traveling on board the vehicle, including the driver, who was investigated as a necessary act.

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